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wēi xiǎn

English translation of 危险


The Chinese word '危险' is used to describe something that involves risk or the possibility of harm or loss. It is often used in the same way as the English word 'dangerous', to refer to situations, objects or activities that can cause harm or injury.

Example sentences using: 危险


Zhège dìfāng fēicháng wēixiǎn.

English translation of 这个地方非常危险。

This place is very dangerous.

This sentence is communicating a warning or a precaution about a specific place or area. It might be used when the speaker wants to inform someone about the potential hazards in a location.


Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng wēixiǎn de shíyàn.

English translation of 他们正在进行危险的实验。

They are conducting a dangerous experiment.

The speaker is describing a risky or potentially harmful experiment that is being done by 'them', referring to a group or individual.


Wēixiǎn de dòngwù bù yīng gāi jiējìn.

English translation of 危险的动物不应该接近。

Dangerous animals should not be approached.

The speaker is cautioning against getting near to animals that are perceived to be dangerous. Typically used when giving safety advice.


Zhè shì yīgè wēixiǎn de xuǎnzé.

English translation of 这是一个危险的选择。

This is a dangerous choice.

The speaker is warning that a certain decision or choice can have serious and harmful consequences. This is typically used when giving advice or expressing concern about a decision.


Wēixiǎn de shāngpǐn yīng gāi bèi biāojì.

English translation of 危险的商品应该被标记。

Dangerous goods should be marked.

The speaker is suggesting that any goods or products that are considered hazardous should be appropriately labelled or marked to warn potential users or buyers.


Tā de gōngzuò chōngmǎnle wēixiǎn.

English translation of 他的工作充满了危险。

His job is full of danger.

This sentence describes a man's job as being filled with hazards or risks. It's used to indicate that the job could be potentially harmful or life-threatening.


Zhè zhǒng fēnggé bèi rènwèi shì wēixiǎn de.

English translation of 这种风格被认为是危险的。

This style is considered dangerous.

The speaker is saying that a certain 'style', which could refer to a method, way of doing things, or tendency, is generally viewed as hazardous or risky.


Wēixiǎn de huánjìng xūyào jíqí jǐnshèn.

English translation of 危险的环境需要极其谨慎。

A dangerous environment requires extreme caution.

The speaker is saying that if you are in a hazardous or risky environment, you need to be extremely careful or alert to avoid any potential harm or damage.


Zhè zhǒng xíguàn kěnéng huì dài lái wēixiǎn.

English translation of 这种习惯可能会带来危险。

This habit could be dangerous.

The speaker is warning that a certain habit could potentially lead to dangerous outcomes or harmful consequences. This is typically used when giving advice about lifestyle choices or behaviors.


Tāmen de xíngwéi wēixiǎn de lìng rén fà zhǐ.

English translation of 他们的行为危险得令人发指。

Their behavior is dangerously exasperating.

The speaker is expressing extreme frustration or exasperation at someone's behavior, labelling it as dangerous. This is typically used to denounce actions that are reckless and could potentially cause harm.

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