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wéi dù

English translation of 维度


In Chinese, '维度' is used to describe a measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length. It can be applied in the context of geometry, physics, as well as more abstract discussions such as the dimensions of a problem or a situation. The usage is largely similar to English.

Example sentences using: 维度


wǒmen xūyào cóng kējì, jīngjì hé shèhuì de wéidù lái kǎolǜ zhège wèntí.

English translation of 我们需要从科技、经济和社会的维度来考虑这个问题。

We need to consider this problem from the dimensions of technology, economy, and society.

Here, 'dimensions' denotes different angles, perspectives or realms that ought to be taken into account for a comprehensive understanding of the problem.


chuàngxīn qǐyè yīnggāi cóng chǎnpǐn, jìshù, shìchǎng sān gè wéidù jìnxíng zhànluè guīhuà.

English translation of 创新企业应该从产品、技术、市场三个维度进行战略规划。

Innovative companies should do strategic planning from the dimensions of product, technology, and market.

In this case, 'dimensions' represents distinct yet intertwined aspects under which strategical planning should be implemented for a holistic business approach.


cóng quánxīn de wéidù qù chóngxīn lǐjiě shìjiè.

English translation of 从全新的维度去重新理解世界。

Rethink the world from a completely new dimension.

In this sentence, 'dimension' signifies a new perspective or angle from which the speaker encourages us to see the world.


bàogào cóng guójiā, qūyù hé quánqiú sān gè wéidù tǎolùnle qìhòu biànhuà.

English translation of 报告从国家、区域和全球三个维度讨论了气候变化。

The report discusses climate change from the three dimensions of national, regional, and global.

Here, 'dimensions' denotes the perspectives of national, regional, and global concerns through which the report delves into the issue of climate change.


duì qíngxù de lǐjiě xūyào duō wéidù de fēnxī.

English translation of 对情绪的理解需要多维度的分析。

The understanding of emotions requires multi-dimensional analysis.

In this context, 'dimensions' refers to the broad and various perspectives or aspects from which emotions need to be analyzed or discussed.


wǒmen kě cóng hángyè de duō gè wéidù fēnxī jìngzhēng yōushì.

English translation of 我们可从行业的多个维度分析竞争优势。

We can analyze competitive advantages from multiple dimensions of the industry.

Here, 'dimensions' signifies the various aspects or areas within an industry which can be examined to understand the competitive advantages.


yìshù shì kěyǐ duō wéidù zhǎnxiàn de.

English translation of 艺术是可以多维度展现的。

Art can be displayed in multiple dimensions.

In this sentence, 'dimensions' implies the variety of forms, aspects, or perspectives through which art can be presented or expressed.


wǒmen xūyào duì zhěnggè xiàngmù de suǒyǒu wéidù jìnxíng pínggū.

English translation of 我们需要对整个项目的所有维度进行评估。

We need to evaluate all dimensions of the entire project.

Here, 'dimensions' is used to express the different areas or aspects of a project that require evaluation.


zhège wèntí kěyǐ zài duō wéidù jìnxíng fēnxī.

English translation of 这个问题可以在多维度进行分析。

This problem can be analyzed in multiple dimensions.

In this context, 'dimensions' refers to the variety of perspectives and aspects, from which the problem can be talked about or found solutions to.


duìyú zhège wèntí wǒmen xūyào quánfāngwèi de wéidù qù yánjiū.

English translation of 对于这个问题我们需要全方位的维度去研究。

We need to study this problem in all dimensions.

In this case, 'dimensions' represents the total aspects, angles or factors that need to be studied to thoroughly understand the problem.

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