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English translation of 为


In Chinese, '为' (wèi) is the direct translation of 'for'. It is a flexible word often used to imply a purpose or reason for doing something, similar to how 'for' is used in English. It's worth noting that its usage can vary based on context, particularly in more complex sentences or expressions.

Example sentences using:


Wǒ wèi tā jiāo'ào.

English translation of 我为他骄傲。

I am proud of him.

Here, '为' signifies the reason for the stated emotion - proud.


Wǒmen wèi tāmen rànglù.

English translation of 我们为他们让路。

We make way for them.

'为' is used here to specify who the action is carried out for.


Tā wèishénme zāoshòu zhèyàng de duìdài?

English translation of 他为什么遭受这样的对待?

Why was he treated like this?

'为什么' is a phrase which translates to 'why', indicating questioning.


Wǒmen wèi nǐ de chénggōng gǎndào gāoxìng.

English translation of 我们为你的成功感到高兴。

We are happy for your success.

In this sentence, '为' is used to indicate the reason for the happiness.


Tāmen wèi wǒmen zhǔnbèi le wǔcān.

English translation of 他们为我们准备了午餐。

They prepared lunch for us.

In this example, '为' is used to show the recipient of an action.


Wèi shíxiàn tā de mèngxiǎng, tā fàngqì le hěnduō.

English translation of 为实现她的梦想,她放弃了很多。

To realize her dream, she gave up a lot.

In this sentence, '为' is leading the purpose of a certain action.


Nǐ wèihé zhèyàng zuò?

English translation of 你为何这样做?

Why did you do this?

'为何' is a somewhat formal way to say 'why', expressing a question.


Wǒ wèi shēnghuó nǔlì.

English translation of 我为生活努力。

I work hard for life.

In this sentence, '为' is used to denote the reason or purpose for working hard.


Wǒ wèi nǐ chuàngzào le yīgè xīn shìjiè.

English translation of 我为你创造了一个新世界。

I created a new world for you.

This sentence expresses the action of creating something for someone, using '为' to signify 'for'.


Wèi xiāomiè chóuhèn, wǒ huì bǎ ài chuándì gěi měi yīgè rén.

English translation of 为消灭仇恨,我会把爱传递给每一个人。

To eliminate hatred, I will pass on love to every person.

In this sentence, '为' is used at the beginning to represent the aim of an action.

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