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English translation of 外套


The Chinese word for coat is 外套 (wàitào). It is a common term used to describe a type of clothing that is typically worn over other garments during colder weather. This word can be used in various contexts, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences using: 外套


Zhè shì wǒ de xīn wàitào.

English translation of 这是我的新外套。

This is my new coat.

In this example, the speaker is introducing their new coat.


Nǐ de wàitào guà zài nǎlǐ?

English translation of 你的外套挂在哪里?

Where is your coat hanging?

In this scenario, someone is looking for the location of another person's coat.


Wàitào tài xiǎo, wǒ chuān bù xià.

English translation of 外套太小,我穿不下。

The coat is too small, I can't wear it.

The speaker is expressing that the coat is too small for them to wear.


Xiànzài tiānqì rè, méi bìyào chuān wàitào.

English translation of 现在天气热,没必要穿外套。

The weather is hot now, there is no need to wear a coat.

Here, the speaker thinks that because of the warm weather, wearing a coat is unnecessary.


Yǔtiān jìdé yào dài wàitào.

English translation of 雨天记得要带外套。

Remember to bring a coat on rainy days.

This fact reminds to bring a coat in case of rain.


Tā zǒng shì wàngjì chuān wàitào.

English translation of 他总是忘记穿外套。

He always forgets to wear a coat.

In this case, the speaker is noting that someone frequently forgets to put on his coat.


Wàitào shàng yǒu yīgè pòdòng.

English translation of 外套上有一个破洞。

There is a hole in the coat.

The speaker is indicating that there is a hole in the coat.


Wǒ xūyào mǎi yī jiàn xīn de wàitào.

English translation of 我需要买一件新的外套。

I need to buy a new coat.

The speaker is expressing a need to purchase a new coat.


Zhè jiàn wàitào de yánsè hěn měi.

English translation of 这件外套的颜色很美。

The color of this coat is very beautiful.

A remark about the attractive color of the coat.


Zhè shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de wàitào.

English translation of 这是我最喜欢的外套。

This is my favorite coat.

An expression of personal preference about a particular coat.

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