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English translation of 外貌


The Chinese word '外貌' is often used to describe a person or thing's external look or physical traits. It is used in the same contexts it would be used in English. For example, '他的外貌非常吸引人' would translate to 'His appearance is very attractive'. Similar to English, it can be used to refer to the aesthetic aspect of non-living objects as well.

Example sentences using: 外貌


Tā zǒng shì yǐ wàimào lái píngjià biérén.

English translation of 他总是以外貌来评价别人。

He always judges others by their appearance.

In the example, the individual tends to evaluate others based on their physical features rather than their character or actions.


Wàimào bù yīng chéngwéi pànduàn yīgè rén jiàzhí de biāozhǔn.

English translation of 外貌不应成为判断一个人价值的标准。

Appearance should not be the standard to judge a person's value.

In this sentence, the speaker criticizes the practice of evaluating a person's worth based upon their physical appearance.


Tā de wàimào hé tā de xìnggé wánquán bùtóng.

English translation of 她的外貌和她的性格完全不同。

Her appearance is totally different from her character.

This sentence suggests there is a considerable disparity between the individual's physical appearance and their personality.


Tā de wàimào gǎibiàn le, dànshì tā de gèxìng méiyǒu gǎibiàn.

English translation of 他的外貌改变了,但是他的个性没有改变。

His appearance has changed, but his personality has not.

This sentence implies that despite physical changes an individual undergoes, their intrinsic character remains the same.


Wàimào bìng bùnéng quèqiè de fǎnyìng gèrén de pǐnzhì.

English translation of 外貌并不能确切地反映个人的品质。

Appearance can't accurately reflect a person's quality.

This sentence criticizes the judgment of individuals based solely on their physical appearance, stating that it doesn't accurately represent their character or qualities.


Wǒ xǐhuān tā, bù jǐnjǐn shì yīnwèi tā de wàimào.

English translation of 我喜欢她,不仅仅是因为她的外貌。

I like her, not just because of her appearance.

This sentence expresses an admiration that extends beyond physical attractiveness and resides more in character or personality.


Wàimào kěyǐ gǎibiàn, rén de xīnlíng bùnéng.

English translation of 外貌可以改变,人的心灵不能。

Appearance can change, a person's heart cannot.

This sentence asserts that while physical features can alter with time, a person's inner character and soul remain constant.


Wàimào bìng bùshì juédìng nǐ shìfǒu chénggōng de yīnsù.

English translation of 外貌并不是决定你是否成功的因素。

Appearance is not the factor that determines whether you are successful or not.

This statement posits that success hinges on more than just one's physical appearance, probably emphasizing on skills, abilities and character.


Tā zàihu zìjǐ de wàimào duōguò zàihu tārén.

English translation of 他在乎自己的外貌多过在乎他人。

He cares about his appearance more than others.

This scenario illustrates an individual who shows more concern for their physical looks than for other people.


Tā bù yuànyì bèi rénmen yīn qí wàimào shùnjiān dìngyì.

English translation of 她不愿意被人们因其外貌瞬间定义。

She doesn't want to be instantly defined by people because of her appearance.

This sentence expresses a desire not to be judged on face value but rather to be more deeply understood.

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