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wà zi

English translation of 袜子


The Chinese word '袜子' which translates to 'sock' in English, is commonly used to refer to the piece of clothing that is worn on feet. This term is used in the same context as it is in English and across Chinese speaking regions, it is universally understood.

Example sentences using: 袜子


Wǒ wàngle chuān wàzi

English translation of 我忘了穿袜子

I forgot to wear socks

In this sentence, the speaker implies that they did not remember to put on socks.


Tā de wàzi shì hóngsè de

English translation of 她的袜子是红色的

Her socks are red

The sentence describes the color of someone's socks, which are red in this case.


Wǒ zhǎobùdào wǒ de wàzi

English translation of 我找不到我的袜子

I cannot find my socks

The speaker expresses that they cannot locate their socks.


Wàzi dǎ dòngle

English translation of 袜子打洞了

The sock has a hole in it

This phrase is informing that there is a hole in the sock.


Wàzi shīle

English translation of 袜子湿了

The sock is wet

The sentence states that the sock has become wet.


Wàzi hěn chòu

English translation of 袜子很臭

The sock is very smelly

The statement indicates that the sock has an unpleasant smell.


Zhè zhī wàzi hěn guì

English translation of 这只袜子很贵

This sock is very expensive

The sentence suggests that the sock discussed is relatively high in cost.


Wǒ xūyào xīn de wàzi

English translation of 我需要新的袜子

I need new socks

This sentence is explaining that the speaker needs a new pair of socks.


Wàzi zài nǎlǐ?

English translation of 袜子在哪里?

Where are the socks?

In this sentence, the speaker is querying the location of the socks.


Wàzi hěn zhòngyào

English translation of 袜子很重要

Socks are important

The statement asserts the importance of socks.

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