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tū rán

English translation of 突然


The Chinese word '突然' is used to convey the same meaning as 'suddenly' in English. It is typically used to express the unexpectedness or abruptness of an event or action.

Example sentences using: 突然


tū rán zhī jiān, tā xiào le qǐ lái.

English translation of 突然之间,她笑了起来。

Suddenly, she started to laugh.

The phrase explains a situation where a woman starts to laugh unexpectedly.


wǒ tū rán jué de hěn gū dú.

English translation of 我突然觉得很孤独。

Suddenly, I felt very lonely.

This phrase describes an abrupt feeling of loneliness.


tā tū rán tíng zhǐ shuō huà.

English translation of 他突然停止说话。

He suddenly stopped talking.

The phrase talks about a situation where someone stops talking unexpectedly.


tū rán, mén líng xiǎng le.

English translation of 突然,门铃响了。

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.



tā tū rán biàn de hěn ān jìng.

English translation of 他突然变得很安静。

He suddenly became very quiet.

This phrase illustrates a scenario where someone unexpectedly becomes quiet.


tā tū rán bìng le.

English translation of 他突然病了。

He suddenly fell ill.

This sentence describes a situation where someone falls ill unexpectedly.


tū rán xià qǐ le dà xuě.

English translation of 突然下起了大雪。

It suddenly started to snow heavily.

The sentence depicts a scene where heavy snow starts falling unexpectedly.


tā men tū rán dà xiào qǐ lái.

English translation of 他们突然大笑起来。

They suddenly started to laugh loudly.

The phrase outlines a situation where a group of people start to laugh loudly all of a sudden.


tā tū rán liú lèi le.

English translation of 她突然流泪了。

She suddenly started crying.

This phrase describes an abrupt situation where a woman starts to cry.


fēi jī tū rán shī qù kòng zhì.

English translation of 飞机突然失去控制。

The airplane suddenly lost control.

The sentence talks about a sudden situation where an airplane loses control.

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