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tóu sù

English translation of 投诉


The Chinese word '投诉' is equivalent to the English word 'complaint'. It is used in the same context as in English, typically in situations where someone expresses dissatisfaction or unhappiness about a situation, a service, product, or person. It's commonly used in customer service scenarios where customers express their dissatisfaction with the product or service they received.

Example sentences using: 投诉


Wǒ huì tóusù nǐ de wúlǐ xíngwéi.

English translation of 我会投诉你的无礼行为。

I will complain about your rude behavior.

This is a common use of the word '投诉' (complain) where someone threatens to lodge a complaint due to another person's inappropriate actions.


Tóusù bùmén zhèngzài chǔlǐ gāi wèntí.

English translation of 投诉部门正在处理该问题。

The complaint department is dealing with the issue.

In this phrase, '投诉' is part of the compound noun '投诉部门' (complaint department), indicating the department that handles complaints.


Rúguǒ nǐ duì fúwù bù mǎnyì, kěyǐ tóusù.

English translation of 如果你对服务不满意,可以投诉。

If you're not satisfied with the service, you can complain.

Here '投诉' is used to express one's right to make a complaint when unhappy with a service.


Tóusù xìn yībān bāokuò tóusù de yuányīn hé qiúzhù de nèiróng.

English translation of 投诉信一般包括投诉的原因和求助的内容。

A complaint letter usually includes the reasons for the complaint and the content of the request for help.

This sentence explains what a '投诉信' (complaint letter), a letter addressing one's dissatisfaction, typically includes.


Nǐ kěyǐ zhíjiē xiàng jīnglǐ tóusù.

English translation of 你可以直接向经理投诉。

You can directly complain to the manager.

This phrase highlights the use of '投诉' in the context of lodging a complaint to a person of higher rank or authority.


Qǐng zài tóusù bù shàng xiě xià nǐ de míngzì.

English translation of 请在投诉簿上写下你的名字。

Please write your name on the complaint book.

This sentence shows the use of '投诉' in '投诉簿' (complaint book), a book where customers can express their complaints.


Tóusù nín jiē dào de diànhuà sāorǎo.

English translation of 投诉您接到的电话骚扰。

Complain about the telephone harassment you received.

This phrase illustrates the use of '投诉' when lodging a complaint about a specific issue, here being telephone harassment.


Tā xiàng kèfú zhōngxīn tóusù, dàn wúguǒ.

English translation of 他向客服中心投诉,但无果。

He complained to the customer service center, but got no result.

This sentence uses '投诉' to show someone making a complaint to a specific department, in this case, the customer service center.


Rúguǒ nǐ zài zhè jiā diàn lǐ yùdào wèntí, nǐ kěyǐ tóusù.

English translation of 如果你在这家店里遇到问题,你可以投诉。

If you encounter problems in this store, you can complain.

Here '投诉' comes into play when suggesting the possibility of lodging a complaint after an unsatisfactory experience at a store.


Wǒ xiàng diànxìn gōngsī tóusù wúxiàn xìnhào chà.

English translation of 我向电信公司投诉无线信号差。

I complained to the telecom company about the poor wireless signals.

In this sentence, '投诉' is used to describe the act of making a formal complaint to a company.

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