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tóng nián

English translation of 童年


The Chinese word '童年' refers to the period of time when a person is a child. Like the English word 'childhood', it is used to refer to the state or period of being a child. It is commonly used in phrases that talk about memories or experiences from this period of one's life.

Example sentences using: 童年


Tā zài tóngnián shíqī jiù xiǎnshì chū tiānfù.

English translation of 他在童年时期就显示出天赋。

He showed talent in his childhood.

This talks about a person who showed his talent at a very young age, during his childhood.


Wǒ tóngnián de péngyǒu réng shì wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu.

English translation of 我童年的朋友仍是我最好的朋友。

My childhood friend is still my best friend.

This sentence illustrates the strong bond of friendship that has lasted from childhood till now.


Tóngnián shí de gùshì chéngwéile tā de xiězuò línggǎn.

English translation of 童年时的故事成为了他的写作灵感。

The stories from his childhood became his writing inspiration.

This sentence suggests that the person's childhood stories have become creative fuel for his writings.


Tóngnián jīnglì duì yīgè rén de chéngzhǎng yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.

English translation of 童年经历对一个人的成长有很大影响。

Childhood experiences have a great impact on a person's growth.

This emphasizes the significance of childhood experiences in a person's development.


Tā tóngnián de mèngxiǎng shì chéngwéi yīmíng yīshēng.

English translation of 他童年的梦想是成为一名医生。

His childhood dream was to become a doctor.

This sentence talks about a person's aspiration to become a doctor since childhoood.


Wǒ de tóngnián zài nóngcūn dùguò.

English translation of 我的童年在农村度过。

I spent my childhood in the countryside.

This sentence indicates the person lived in the countryside during his or her childhood.


Tóngnián zhàopiàn zǒng ràng rén huáiniàn.

English translation of 童年照片总让人怀念。

Childhood photos always make people nostalgic.

This sentence means that looking at childhood photos often invokes nostalgia.


Tóngnián duì tā lái shuō chōngmǎnle huānlè.

English translation of 童年对他来说充满了欢乐。

Childhood was full of joy for him.

This portrays childhood as a period filled with happiness, from the speaker's perspective.


Zhè bù xiǎoshuō miáohuìle tā de tóngnián.

English translation of 这部小说描绘了他的童年。

This novel depicts his childhood.

This sentence refers to a novel that provides a depiction or portrayal of a person's childhood.


Tóngnián de huíyì zǒng shì nàme měihǎo.

English translation of 童年的回忆总是那么美好。

Childhood memories are always so beautiful.

This sentence emphasizes the warmth and happiness often associated with childhood memories.

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