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English translation of 通道


In Chinese, '通道' is used to refer to a navigable route or a passage. This can mean a corridor in a building, a hallway, or any route that allows transport. The character '通' translates as 'pass' or 'through', and '道' translates as 'way' or 'path'. Together, they form '通道', the term for 'passage'.

Example sentences using: 通道


zhè shì yīgè sīrén tōngdào.

English translation of 这是一个私人通道。

This is a private channel.

This sentence is usually used to point out a particular passage or route that is not intended for public use.


wǒ xūyào yīgè tōngdào lái chuánsòng zhèxiē wénjiàn.

English translation of 我需要一个通道来传送这些文件。

I need a channel to transmit these files.

In this context, 'channel' refers to a medium through which something is transmitted, in this case, files.


tāmen zhèngzài jiànshè yīgè xīn de tōngdào.

English translation of 他们正在建设一个新的通道。

They are building a new channel.

This sentence describes the action of constructing a new passage or route.


wǒ fāxiànle yīgè mìmì de tōngdào.

English translation of 我发现了一个秘密的通道。

I found a secret corridor.

In this phrase, 'corridor' is used metaphorically to refer to a secret passageway.


zhègè tōngdào bèi dǔ zhùle.

English translation of 这个通道被堵住了。

This passage is blocked.

The sentence describes a situation where a passage or route is obstructed or not passable.


tā qù zhǎo tōngdào.

English translation of 他去找通道。

He went to find a passage.

The sentence conveys the action of someone actively searching for a passage or route.


yǒu yīgè tōngdào tōngwǎng huāyuán.

English translation of 有一个通道通往花园。

There is a passage to the garden.

This sentence describes the existence of a route or passage that leads to a specific place, in this case, the garden.


nǐ néng zhǎodào chūkǒu tōngdào ma?

English translation of 你能找到出口通道吗?

Can you find the exit passageway?

This question is asking if someone is capable of finding or locating the passageway that leads to the exit.


zhègè tōngdào yòngyú shūsàn rénqún.

English translation of 这个通道用于疏散人群。

This passage is used for crowd evacuation.

This sentence is stating that a specific passageway or route is used with the specific purpose of evacuating people from an area.


zhègè tōngdào duì wǒmen hěn zhòngyào.

English translation of 这个通道对我们很重要。

This channel is very important to us.

The phrase is proclaiming the significant importance of a specific 'channel' or route to the speaker.

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