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tiào yuè

English translation of 跳跃


跳跃 is the Chinese translation for the English word 'jump'. It is a verb and used to express the action of propelling oneself upwards or over a distance, typically into the air, by sudden muscular effort. In everyday conversation, it can be used in different contexts such as physical activities, emotional states, and transitions.

Example sentences using: 跳跃


Wǒ xiǎng xué huì tiàoyuè

English translation of 我想学会跳跃

I want to learn to jump

This sentence is expressing a person's desire to learn how to jump.


Hóuzi xǐhuan tiàoyuè

English translation of 猴子喜欢跳跃

Monkeys like to jump



Tiàoyuè néng duànliàn shēntǐ

English translation of 跳跃能锻炼身体

Jumping can exercise the body

This sentence makes a general statement about the health benefits of jumping.


Yùndòngyuán tiàoyuè lì fēicháng qiáng

English translation of 运动员跳跃力非常强

Athletes have very strong jumping abilities

This sentence highlights the impressive jumping abilities of athletes.


Zhè chǎng bǐsài xūyào tiàoyuè jìnéng

English translation of 这场比赛需要跳跃技能

This game requires jumping skills

This sentence is stating that in a specific game, jumping skills are required.


Tā zài gōngyuán tiàoyuè

English translation of 他在公园跳跃

He is jumping in the park

This sentence describes the action of a person jumping in a park.


Ràng wǒmen yìqǐ tiàoyuè

English translation of 让我们一起跳跃

Let's jump together

This sentence is an invitation or a proposal to jump together.


Tiàoyuè shì tā de zhuāncháng

English translation of 跳跃是她的专长

Jumping is her specialty

This sentence indicates that a specific woman is particularly good at jumping.


Tā yǒu zhe chūsè de tiàoyuè jìqiǎo

English translation of 他有着出色的跳跃技巧

He has excellent jumping skills

This sentence compliments a person's exceptional skills in jumping.


Tiàoyuè kěyǐ zēngjiā tǐlì

English translation of 跳跃可以增加体力

Jumping can increase physical strength

This sentence makes a general claim about the benefits gained from jumping in terms of physical strength.

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