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tiào wǔ

English translation of 跳舞


The Chinese word for dance is '跳舞'. In context, it conveys the act or skill of dancing. It can be used in various contexts just like in English. For instance, 我爱跳舞 (Wǒ ài tiàowǔ) translates to 'I love to dance'.

Example sentences using: 跳舞


Tiàowǔ kěyǐ jiǎnféi.

English translation of 跳舞可以减肥。

Dancing can help lose weight.

This sentence suggests that dancing can help with weight loss.


Wǒ xǐhuān tiàowǔ.

English translation of 我喜欢跳舞。

I like dancing.

This sentence directly means, 'I like to dance.' It can be used to express someone's fondness of dancing.


Tiàowǔ shì wǒ de àihào.

English translation of 跳舞是我的爱好。

Dancing is my hobby.

This sentence is stating that dancing is the person's hobby.


Tā zài xué tiàowǔ.

English translation of 她在学跳舞。

She is learning to dance.

This sentence expresses that the female subject is currently in the process of learning to dance.


Wǒmen yīqǐ qù tiàowǔ ba!

English translation of 我们一起去跳舞吧!

Let's go dancing together!

This sentence is an invitation for someone to go dancing together.


Wǒ xūyào tiàowǔ de xiézi.

English translation of 我需要跳舞的鞋子。

I need dancing shoes.

In this sentence, the speaker is stating the need for shoes specifically designed for dancing.


Tāmen zài tiàowǔ bǐsài zhōng huòshèng.

English translation of 他们在跳舞比赛中获胜。

They won in the dancing competition.

This sentence expresses that they have won in a dance competition.


Jīnwǎn de tiàowǔ biǎoyǎn jiāng zài bādiǎn kāishǐ.

English translation of 今晚的跳舞表演将在八点开始。

The dancing show tonight will start at eight.

The sentence tells when the dance performance will start in the evening.


Nǐ néng tiàowǔ ma?

English translation of 你能跳舞吗?

Can you dance?

This sentence is a direct question asking the recipient if they can dance.


Tā de tiàowǔ jìshù zhēn hǎo!

English translation of 他的跳舞技术真好!

His dancing skills are really good!

This sentence is praising someone's dancing abilities.

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