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English translation of 天气


The word '天气' is how we say 'weather' in Chinese. It is used in the same context as it is in English. For example, you can say '今天天气怎么样?' which means 'What's the weather like today?'.

Example sentences using: 天气


Míngtiān de tiānqì zěnme yàng?

English translation of 明天的天气怎么样?

What is the weather like tomorrow?

In this sentence, '明天的天气' means 'the weather of tomorrow' and '怎么样' is a common way to ask 'how is it?'. So, the person is asking about the weather condition of the following day.


Jīntiān tiānqì zhēn hǎo.

English translation of 今天天气真好。

The weather today is really good.

Here, '今天天气' means 'today's weather' and '真好' implies 'really good'. It is a common way to express how beautiful the weather is.


Tā zǒng shì zài tánlùn tiānqì.

English translation of 他总是在谈论天气。

He always talks about the weather.

In this phrase, '他总是在谈论' means 'he always talks about' and '天气' stands for 'weather'. It suggests the person frequently discusses the weather.


Yīnwèi tiānqì rè, suǒyǐ tāmen juédìng qù yóuyǒng.

English translation of 因为天气热,所以他们决定去游泳。

Because the weather is hot, they have decided to go swimming.

This sentence is compound. '因为天气热' means 'because the weather is hot', while '所以他们决定去游泳' equals 'they have decided to go swimming'. This sentence shows cause and effect.


Tiānqì lěng, jìdé chuān hòu yīdiǎn.

English translation of 天气冷,记得穿厚一点。

The weather is cold, remember to wear something thicker.

This sentence gives an advice about dressing warmly because of the cold weather. '天气冷' means 'the weather is cold' and the last part is a caring advice.


Rúguǒ tiānqì yǔnxǔ, wǒmen jiāng qù yěcān.

English translation of 如果天气允许,我们将去野餐。

If the weather permits, we'll go for a picnic.

This sentence conditionally expresses a plan to go to a picnic depending on the weather. '如果天气允许' means 'if the weather permits'.


Chūntiān de tiānqì biànhuà wúcháng.

English translation of 春天的天气变化无常。

Spring weather is unpredictable.

This phrase suggests about the unpredictable nature of weather specifically during spring. '春天的天气' means 'spring's weather' and '变化无常' stands for 'unpredictable'.


Wǒ xǐhuān dōngtiān de tiānqì.

English translation of 我喜欢冬天的天气。

I like the winter weather.

This is a simple statement wherein the speaker is expressing his/her liking for the winter's weather. '冬天的天气' refers to 'the winter weather'.


Zhè zhǒng tiānqì ràng wǒ xiǎng qǐle gùxiāng.

English translation of 这种天气让我想起了故乡。

This weather reminds me of my hometown.

In this phrase, '这种天气' refers to 'this kind of weather', which makes the speaker recall his/her hometown. '让我想起了故乡' implies 'reminds me of my hometown'.


Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, bǐsài bèi qǔxiāole.

English translation of 由于天气原因,比赛被取消了。

Due to weather conditions, the match has been cancelled.

The phrase explains about an event which was cancelled due to certain weather conditions. '由于天气原因' refers to 'due to the weather'.

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