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English translation of 天


The Chinese character for 'day' is '天'. In Chinese, it refers to a calendar day or daytime. It is also often used in compound words relating to time or weather conditions, such as 'today' (今天), 'tomorrow' (明天), or 'sunny' (晴天).

Example sentences using:


jīn tiān shì gè hǎo tiān qì.

English translation of 今天是个好天气。

Today is good weather.

This sentence is used to express the speaker's positive evaluation of the weather today.


wǒ tiān tiān dōu zài liàn xí zhōng wén.

English translation of 我天天都在练习中文。

I practice Chinese every day.

This sentence is used to express the speaker's daily routine of practicing Chinese.


tā lián tiān dōu zài gōng zuò.

English translation of 他连天都在工作。

He is working every day.

This sentence is used to express that someone is working without taking a break every day.


míng tiān yǒu yǔ.

English translation of 明天有雨。

There is rain tomorrow.

This sentence is used to forecast the weather condition, there will be rain, for the next day.


tā tiān shēng de měi lì.

English translation of 她天生的美丽。

She is naturally beautiful.

This phrase is used to describe someone's beauty as innate or given by nature.


tā zuó tiān lái de.

English translation of 他昨天来的。

He came yesterday.

This sentence is used to tell that someone came yesterday.


zhè shì gè tiān dà de mì mì.

English translation of 这是个天大的秘密。

This is a huge secret.

The phrase is used to describe a secret of great importance.


lǎo tiān yé, qǐng bǎo yòu wǒ.

English translation of 老天爷,请保佑我。

Heavenly God, please bless me.

This sentence is often used when people beg for luck or help from the god in the heaven.


zhè shì àn tiān jì fèi de.

English translation of 这是按天计费的。

This is charged by the day.

This sentence is used to express that the cost of something is calculated on a daily basis.


wǒ xiāng xìn mìng yùn de ān pái shì zuì hǎo de.

English translation of 我相信命运的安排是最好的。

I believe that the arrangement of fate is the best.

This sentence is using to express the speaker's affirmation and acceptance of fate's arrangement.

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