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English translation of 提醒


The Chinese word '提醒' is most commonly used in conversation when one person wants to remind another of something they may have forgotten. It can be used both casually and formally. It has the same usage as the English word 'remind'.

Example sentences using: 提醒


Wǒ xiǎng yào tíxǐng nǐ hē shuǐ.

English translation of 我想要提醒你喝水。

I want to remind you to drink water.

This sentence is used when someone wants to remind another person to hydrate.


Wèi le bǎochí liánghǎo de xuéxí xíguàn, wǒ xūyào tíxǐng zìjǐ měitiān yuèdú.

English translation of 为了保持良好的学习习惯,我需要提醒自己每天阅读。

To maintain good study habits, I need to remind myself to read every day.

The speaker is reminding themselves to pursue a daily reading habit for better academic performance.


Qǐng tíxǐng wǒ gěi mǔqīn dǎdiànhuà.

English translation of 请提醒我给母亲打电话。

Please remind me to call my mother.

The speaker is asking someone to remind them to make a phone call to their mother.


Nǐ néng tíxǐng wǒ míngtiān zǎoshang 7 diǎn qǐchuáng ma?

English translation of 你能提醒我明天早上7点起床吗?

Can you remind me to get up at 7 in the morning tomorrow?

The speaker is requesting for a reminder to wake up early the next day.


Lǚxíng jiéshù qián qǐng tíxǐng wǒ tuìfáng.

English translation of 旅行结束前请提醒我退房。

Please remind me to check out before the trip ends.

The speaker is asking for a reminder to accomplish a necessary task before their journey comes to an end.


Kǎoshì qiányè wǒ měi xiǎoshí tíxǐng wǒ zìjǐ fùxí.

English translation of 考试前夜我每小时提醒我自己复习。

The night before the exam, I remind myself to review every hour.

The speaker shares their personal trick for exam preparation, which includes hourly reminders to revise.


Wǒ xiǎng tíxǐng nǐ, shēnghuó bìng bù zǒng shì shùnfēngshùnshuǐ de.

English translation of 我想提醒你,生活并不总是顺风顺水的。

I want to remind you, life is not always smooth sailing.

The speaker conveys a piece of advice about life's uncertainties, highlighting that challenges are inevitable.


Wǒ xūyào tíxǐng zìjǐ, měitiān yùndòng jiànshēn.

English translation of 我需要提醒自己,每天运动健身。

I need to remind myself to work out every day.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of daily exercise by saying they need to self-remind to stay committed.


Wǒ bìxū tíxǐng nǐ, yìchū de shuǐ shì bùnéng shōuhuí de.

English translation of 我必须提醒你,溢出的水是不能收回的。

I must remind you that the spilled water cannot be retrieved.

The speaker is asserting a point about irreversible actions by using a metaphor.


Suīrán nǐ yǒu quán zhèyàng zuò, dàn wǒ xiǎng tíxǐng nǐ, kǎolǜ yīxià qítā rén de gǎnshòu.

English translation of 虽然你有权这样做,但我想提醒你,考虑一下其他人的感受。

Although you have the right to do so, I would like to remind you, consider the feelings of others.

The speaker is asking the listener to think about others' feelings while exercising their own rights.

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