tì huàn
The Chinese word '替换' is used to describe the action of substituting one thing for another, similar to the English word 'replace'. It could be used in various contexts such as system replacement, object replacement, or person replacement.
Ni ke yi ti huan wo zai hui yi shang
You can replace me in the meeting
In this sentence, '替换' is used to indicate the act of one person taking the place of another in a certain context, which in this case is a meeting.
Wo men xu yao ti huan zhe ge ling jian
We need to replace this part
Here, '替换' is used to denote the replacement of a broken or old part with a new one.
Ti huan zhe xie jiu de guan nian shi hen kun nan de
It's very difficult to replace these old ideas
This sentence uses '替换' to show the difficulty of changing some entrenched ideas or beliefs.
Wo qi dai zai zhe chang bi sai zhong ti huan ta
I expect to replace him in this game
In this sentence, '替换' conveys the speaker's intent to take another person's place in a game or competition.
Wo xiang wen wo men neng fou ti huan zhe ge ji hua
I would like to ask if we can replace this plan
'替换' in this sentence denotes the speaker's proposal to substitute a plan with another.
Ti huan zhe bu shou ji shi wo xia yi bu de ji hua
Replacing this phone is my next plan
In this context, '替换' means changing or swapping out a phone which is, likely because it's old or broken, in order to get a new one.
Wei le ti gao xiao lu, ta men jue ding ti huan zhe ge jiu de xi tong
To improve efficiency, they decide to replace this old system
'替换' here expresses the decision to change a system, perhaps outdated or not efficient enough, with a new one.
Ta jian yi ti huan zhe shou ge de ge ci
He suggests replacing the lyrics of this song
In this scenario, '替换' means changing the words of a song, implying that the original lyrics may not be suitable or good enough.
Ru guo zhe ge fang fa bu xing, wo men ke yi ti huan ling yi ge
If this method doesn't work, we can replace it with another
This sentence uses '替换' to denote the swapping of a method or approach that isn't effective with one that might be.
Wo men dou zhi dao, ti huan zhu xi shi yi jian da shi
We all know, replacing the chairman is a big thing
This sentence uses '替换' to suggest the significant and probably complex process of changing a leading position within an organization.