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tè xiào

English translation of 特效

special effects

These are illusions or visual tricks used in the film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the envisioned events in a story or virtual world.

Example sentences using: 特效


Zhè bù diànyǐng de tèxiào hěn bàng.

English translation of 这部电影的特效很棒。

The special effects of this movie are great.

This is a simple descriptive sentence indicating the quality of special effects in a movie. The speaker believes that the special effects of this specific movie are exceptional.


Tāmen zhèngzài tǎolùn tèxiào de shǐyòng.

English translation of 他们正在讨论特效的使用。

They are discussing the use of special effects.

This sentence describes a discussion about the application of special effects. The '特效'--special effect is the subject of their conversation.


Wǒ xǐhuān kàn tèxiào zhòng de diànyǐng.

English translation of 我喜欢看特效重的电影。

I like to watch movies with heavy special effects.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses preference for movies that contain a lot of special effects. They find such movies to be more appealing or entertaining.


Tèxiào gōngsī zhèngzài zhìzuò xīn de diànyǐng.

English translation of 特效公司正在制作新的电影。

The special effects company is making a new movie.

This sentence indicates that a company which specializes in making special effects is currently involved in the production of a new movie.


Tèxiào shǐ diànyǐng gèng xīyǐn rén.

English translation of 特效使电影更吸引人。

The special effects make the movie more attractive.

The speaker in this phrase wants to emphasize how special effects can enhance the attraction of a movie, possibly by making it more visually engaging.


Tèxiào shī zhèngzài xiūgǎi chǎngjǐng.

English translation of 特效师正在修改场景。

The special effects artist is modifying the scene.

In this sentence, a special effects artist or technician is mentioned who is currently in the process of altering or tweaking a scene, possibly through digital techniques.


Zhège chǎngjǐng de tèxiào hěn zhēnshí.

English translation of 这个场景的特效很真实。

The special effects of this scene are very realistic.

Here, the speaker is commenting on the high quality of the special effects in a particular movie scene, emphasizing how lifelike they appear.


Zhè cì bàozhà shì tèxiào zhìzuò de.

English translation of 这次爆炸是特效制作的。

The explosion was made with special effects.

Here, it is stated that an explosion, likely in a movie, was created using special effects rather than being a real, physical explosion.


Tāmen de tuánduì fùzé diànyǐng de tèxiào.

English translation of 他们的团队负责电影的特效。

Their team is responsible for the special effects of the movie.

The speaker here is assigning responsibility for the special effects in a movie to a particular team. This team’s role is hence to create, manage, or oversee these effects.


Wǒ duì tèxiào jìnxíngle yánjiū.

English translation of 我对特效进行了研究。

I have done research on special effects.

In this sentence, the speaker states that they have conducted some sort of investigation or study into special effects. It is likely that this person is therefore quite knowledgeable about this topic.

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