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tè bié de

English translation of 特别地


The Chinese word '特别地' is an adverb equivalent to 'particularly' in English. It is often used in statements or allegations to highlight a special point, to emphasis significant or differing aspects, or express a higher degree or more than usual. For example, when talking about something you particularly like.

Example sentences using: 特别地


tā tèbié de xǐhuān qiǎokèlì.

English translation of 她特别地喜欢巧克力。

She especially likes chocolate.

In this sentence, '特别地' (tèbié de) is used before the verb '喜欢' (like) to emphasize that the subject has a high degree of liking for something.


wǒ tèbié de xiǎngniàn wǒ de jiāxiāng.

English translation of 我特别地想念我的家乡。

This sentence uses 特别地 to imply an especially strong feeling of longing or nostalgia for one's hometown.



tā tèbié de zūnzhòng lǎoshī.

English translation of 他特别地尊重老师。

He especially respects his teacher.

Here, 特别地 is used to emphasize strong respect the person has towards their teacher.


tā tèbié de zhàogù tā de mèimei.

English translation of 他特别地照顾他的妹妹。

He takes special care of his sister.

In this context, 特别地 describes an additional level of care the subject provides for his sister.


wǒ tèbié de xǐ huān zhè shǒu gē.

English translation of 我特别地喜欢这首歌。

I particularly like this song.

This sentence uses 特别地 to denote the speaker's particular liking for this song.


nǐ xūyào tèbié de xiǎoxīn.

English translation of 你需要特别地小心。

You need to be especially careful.

The term 特别地 in this context emphasizes the need for the listener to exercise caution.


tā tèbié de zhuānzhù yú tā de gōngzuò.

English translation of 他特别地专注于他的工作。

He is particularly focused on his work.

Here, 特别地 is used to denote the extent to which the person is focused on his work, suggesting it is beyond what is usual.


tā tèbié de zhēnxī zhè fèn yǒuyì.

English translation of 她特别地珍惜这份友谊。

She treasures this friendship especially.

In this example, 特别地 is used before the verb '珍惜' (cherish) to emphasize how much she values this friendship.


wǒmen tèbié de gǎnxiè nín de bāngzhù.

English translation of 我们特别地感谢您的帮助。

We especially appreciate your help.

In this sentence, 特别地 is used to highlight the sincerity and depth of the speaker's gratitude.


zhè fèn lǐwù shì wǒ tèbié de wèi nǐ zhǔnbèi de.

English translation of 这份礼物是我特别地为你准备的。

This gift is specifically prepared for you by me.

Use of 特别地 highlights the thought and effort the speaker has put into preparing the gift specifically for the recipient.

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