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tán pàn

English translation of 谈判


The Chinese word '谈判' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'negotiation'. It is commonly used in business, legal, and diplomatic environments to refer to the process where two or more parties with different interests and views try through dialogue to reach a consensus or agreement.

Example sentences using: 谈判


Wǒmen bìxū xiān tánpàn

English translation of 我们必须先谈判

We must negotiate first

In this sentence, we imply that negotiations have to take place before any other actions. This could be used in a number of contexts, such as business discussions or diplomatic matters.


Tā gōngzuò de yī bùfèn jiùshì yǔ gōngyìng shāng tánpàn

English translation of 他工作的一部分就是与供应商谈判

Part of his job is to negotiate with suppliers

The sentence expresses that one's role or job requires them to conduct negotiations, specifically with suppliers. It portrays a business context.


Tánpàn yǐjīng dáchéng xiéyì

English translation of 谈判已经达成协议

The negotiation has reached an agreement

The sentence denotes that the negotiation process has resulted in an agreement. It could be used in any situation where agreement is reached after negotiations.


Nǐ néng bāng wǒ tánpàn ma?

English translation of 你能帮我谈判吗?

Can you help me negotiate?

The speaker is asking for assistance in the process of negotiation, depicting that they may not be confident or capable to negotiate on their own.


Tánpàn de guòchéng hěn fùzá

English translation of 谈判的过程很复杂

The negotiation process is complex

This sentence describes the complexity of a negotiation process. It can be used to characterize the multifaceted nature of negotiations in any context.


Tánpàn de jiéguǒ shì mìmì de

English translation of 谈判的结果是秘密的

The results of the negotiation are secret

The sentence discusses that the outcomes of the negotiation are confidential, indicating that the speaker cannot reveal the information.


Tánpàn shībài rúhé?

English translation of 谈判失败如何?

What if the negotiation fails?

This sentence introduces a potential negative outcome of a negotiation process, emphasizing uncertainty and implying that there should be a plan B.


Ràng wǒmen kāishǐ tánpàn

English translation of 让我们开始谈判

Let's start the negotiation

This sentence is an instruction or proposal to initiate a negotiation process. It commonly initiates a discussion or business meeting.


Tánpàn wèi qī yī zhōu

English translation of 谈判为期一周

The negotiation lasted for a week

The sentence informs that a negotiation process spanned the duration of one week, which might depict the importance or complexity of the matter being negotiated.


Tā yīzhí zài tánpàn, zhídào xiéyì dáchéng

English translation of 她一直在谈判,直到协议达成

She kept negotiating until an agreement was reached

The sentence tells how a character named 'she' persisted in negotiating until an agreement was achieved, portraying her tenacity and skill.

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