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English translation of 锁


In Chinese, '锁' pronounced as 'suǒ' refers to the device for fastening a door, lid, etc. It can be used in both verb and noun forms paralleling its use in English. For example, you can say '我锁了门' meaning 'I locked the door' or '这是一把锁' meaning 'This is a lock'.

Example sentences using:


bǎ mén suǒ shàng

English translation of 把门锁上。

Lock the door.

This phrase is typically used when reminding someone to lock the door for safety purposes.


wǒ wàng le dài yàoshi,bèi suǒ zài wài miàn le

English translation of 我忘了带钥匙,被锁在外面了。

I forgot to bring my keys and locked myself out.

This phrase is often used when one forgets to take the keys and cannot enter their house or car.


tā suǒ zhù le suǒyǒu de mén chuāng

English translation of 他锁住了所有的门窗。

He locked all the doors and windows.

This phrase is used when someone secures all the potential entries of a place.


wǒ de shǒujī bèi suǒ le

English translation of 我的手机被锁了。

My phone is locked.

This phrase is typically used when one cannot access their phone due to a security lock.


nǐ néng bāng wǒ jiě zhè ge suǒ ma

English translation of 你能帮我解这个锁吗?

Can you help me unlock this lock?

This sentence is frequently used when someone needs help unlocking something like a door or padlock.


zhè ge xínglǐxiāng de suǒ huài le

English translation of 这个行李箱的锁坏了。

The lock on this suitcase is broken.

This sentence is used when the lock on a piece of luggage has stopped working properly.


wǒ zhǎo bú dào suǒ de yàoshi

English translation of 我找不到锁的钥匙。

I can't find the key to the lock.

This sentence is used when someone is unable to locate the key that opens a specific lock.


xiān bǎ chē suǒ le zài zǒu

English translation of 先把车锁了再走。

Lock the car before you go.

This phrase is a reminder to secure a vehicle before departing from its location.


zhè bǎ suǒ hěn nán kāi

English translation of 这把锁很难开。

This lock is difficult to open.

This sentence is used when a lock is particularly challenging to unlock.


nǐ de zìxíngchē yīnggāi suǒ qǐlái

English translation of 你的自行车应该锁起来。

You should lock up your bicycle.

This sentence is advising someone to secure their bicycle to prevent theft.

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