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sī xiǎng

English translation of 思想


In Chinese, '思想' refers to the concept of ideas, thoughts, or beliefs. It can be used to refer to both a single thought or idea as well as to more abstract philosophical and ideological concepts. Context will often determine the specific nuance.

Example sentences using: 思想


Zhèshì wǒ zuìchū de sīxiǎng

English translation of 这是我最初的思想

This is my first thought.

This sentence is used to express the first thought or idea that comes to someone's mind, it can be used in both casual and formal situations.


Nǐ de sīxiǎng hěn yǒu shēndù

English translation of 你的思想很有深度

Your thoughts are very deep.



Wǒ xīnshǎng nǐ de sīxiǎng

English translation of 我欣赏你的思想

I appreciate your thoughts.

This sentence is used when someone values or admires another person's ideas or thoughts.


Zhè shì gè xīn de sīxiǎng

English translation of 这是个新的思想

This is a new thought.

This sentence is used to indicate a new or different thought or idea.


Sīxiǎng juédìng xíngdòng

English translation of 思想决定行动

Thoughts determine actions.

This sentence expresses the idea that one's thoughts or mindset can drive their actions or behavior.


Tā de sīxiǎng tài lǎotàole

English translation of 他的思想太老套了

His thoughts are too old-fashioned.

This expression is used to criticize someone for having outdated or traditional thoughts or ideas.


Sīxiǎng shízhì shàng shì xíngwéi de yuánquán

English translation of 思想实质上是行为的源泉

Thoughts are essentially the source of actions.

The phrase is expressing the idea that actions are fundamentally driven by thought.


Méiyǒu sīxiǎng de rén shì wēixiǎn de

English translation of 没有思想的人是危险的

People without thoughts are dangerous.

This sentence is expressing the idea that it is risky or dangerous to lack thought or consideration.


Tā de sīxiǎng quēfá luójí

English translation of 他的思想缺乏逻辑

His thoughts lack logic.

This sentence suggests that someone's thoughts or ideas are not logical or do not make sense.


Tā zàntóng wǒ de sīxiǎng

English translation of 她赞同我的思想

She agrees with my thoughts.

The phrase is used when somebody concurs or agrees with another person's thoughts or ideas.

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