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shuō fú

English translation of 说服


The Chinese word '说服' (shuō fú) is used similarly to the English word 'convince.' It is a verb, used to describe the act of persuading someone to believe or do something by presenting logical, rational, or compelling reasons or evidence. This word is commonly used in both formal and informal situations.

Example sentences using: 说服


wǒ shìtú shuōfú tā bùyào fàngqì

English translation of 我试图说服他不要放弃

I tried to persuade him not to give up

This sentence narrates an action where the speaker is attempting to persuade someone against withdrawing or giving up.


nǐ yào néng shuōfú wǒ nǐ kěyǐ dúlì wánchéng zhège xiàngmù

English translation of 你要能说服我你可以独立完成这个项目

You have to convince me you can complete this project independently

In this context, the speaker requires convincing proof or persuasion that the listener can independently bring a project to successful completion.


tā wúfǎ shuōfú érzi bùyào qù màoxiǎn

English translation of 她无法说服儿子不要去冒险

She couldn't persuade her son not to take risks

It indicates that a woman was unable to convince her son to refrain from risky activities.


wǒ huāle hěnduō shíjiān shuōfú tā xiāngxìn wǒ

English translation of 我花了很多时间说服他相信我

I spent a lot of time convincing him to believe in me

The sentence describes the speaker's effort in persuading someone to trust them.


tāmen zhèngzài chángshì shuōfú wǒ zhège jìhuà shì yǒuxiào de

English translation of 他们正在尝试说服我这个计划是有效的

They are trying to convince me that this plan is effective

The speaker is being persuaded by others that a particular plan will work.


nǐ xūyào zhǎodào yīgè néng shuōfú tā de lǐyóu

English translation of 你需要找到一个能说服他的理由

You need to find a reason that can convince him

The statement instructs the listener to find a persuasive reason which can influence a third party's thinking or action.


wǒ wúfǎ shuōfú zìjǐ jiēshòu zhège shìshí

English translation of 我无法说服自己接受这个事实

I couldn't convince myself to accept this fact

This sentence implies a struggle of the speaker to accept or come to terms with a particular reality or fact.


zhāng xiānshēng chángshì shuōfú tā de kèhù jìxù hézuò

English translation of 张先生尝试说服他的客户继续合作

Mr. Zhang tried to convince his client to continue the cooperation

This sentence describes Mr. Zhang's attempts at persuading a client to keep their business collaboration going.


tā yòng suǒyǒu de lìliàng chángshì shuōfú tā liú xiàlái

English translation of 他用所有的力量尝试说服她留下来

He used all his strength to try to persuade her to stay

The speaker expresses the great effort someone put in trying to convince a woman to stay.


wǒ bùnéng shuōfú tā gǎibiàn zhǔyì

English translation of 我不能说服他改变主意

I couldn't persuade him to change his mind

This phrase demonstrates an unsuccessful attempt at changing someone's decision or opinion.

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