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shuǐ lóng tóu

English translation of 水龙头


Tap in Chinese is '水龙头'. It is typically used in the context of bathroom or kitchen plumbing and refers to the device used to control the flow of water.

Example sentences using: 水龙头


Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ xiūlǐ shuǐlóngtóu ma?

English translation of 你可以帮我修理水龙头吗?

Can you help me repair the faucet?

This sentence is a request asking for a help in fixing a faucet.


Shuǐlóngtóu de shuǐ yīzhí liú bùtíng.

English translation of 水龙头的水一直流不停。

The water from the faucet keeps flowing.

This sentence is a description of a faucet that keeps on running water.


Wǒ zài shìchǎng mǎile yīgè xīn de shuǐlóngtóu.

English translation of 我在市场买了一个新的水龙头。

I bought a new faucet at the market.

This sentence tells about someone purchasing a new faucet at the market.


Qǐng nǐ guān shàng shuǐlóngtóu.

English translation of 请你关上水龙头。

Please shut off the faucet.

This sentence is a request for someone to close the faucet.


Wǒ xūyào dǎkāi shuǐlóngtóu lái xǐ wǎn.

English translation of 我需要打开水龙头来洗碗。

I need to turn on the faucet to wash the dishes.

This sentence indicates the need to use faucet for washing dishes.


Zhège shuǐlóngtóu tài lǎojiù, xūyào gēnghuàn.

English translation of 这个水龙头太老旧,需要更换。

This faucet is too old and needs to be replaced.

This statement declares the necessity of changing an old faucet.


Xǐshǒujiān de shuǐlóngtóu huàile.

English translation of 洗手间的水龙头坏了。

The faucet in the bathroom is broken.

This sentence describes a faulty faucet in a bathroom.


Chúfáng lǐ de shuǐlóngtóu zhèng lòu shuǐ.

English translation of 厨房里的水龙头正漏水。

The faucet in the kitchen is leaking.

This sentence is about a leaking faucet in the kitchen.


Wǒ wàngjì guān shuǐlóngtóu le.

English translation of 我忘记关水龙头了。

I forgot to turn off the faucet.

This sentence tells about someone who forgets to close the faucet.


Xiū hǎo shuǐlóngtóu fèi le wǒ hěn dà jìn.

English translation of 修好水龙头费了我很大劲。

It took me a lot of effort to fix the faucet.

This sentence describes the effort someone put into fixing a faucet.

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