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shù huí

English translation of 赎回


The Chinese word '赎回' is used similarly to the English word 'redemption'. It can be used in both religious and secular contexts. For example, it can refer to the action of purchasing back something previously sold (such as shares, bonds) or the act of making up for a past mistake or bad action.

Example sentences using: 赎回


shú huí tā de shī wù jiù bì xū nǔ lì gōng zuò

English translation of 赎回他的失误就必须努力工作

He must work hard to redeem his mistakes

In this context, the word '赎回' means 'to redeem'. It indicates that the person must make up for his mistakes through hard work.


nǐ néng shú huí wǒ diū shī de shǒu jī ma?

English translation of 你能赎回我丢失的手机吗?

Can you redeem my lost phone?

Here, '赎回' is used in the context of recovering something lost, in this case, a phone.


wèi le shú huí tā de míng yù , tā zuò le yì xiē hǎo shì

English translation of 为了赎回他的名誉,他做了一些好事

To redeem his reputation, he did some good deeds

'赎回' in this sentence means to restore or regain, implying the person is trying to regain their reputation by doing good deeds.


shú huí zhè xiē gǔ piào xū yào duō shǎo qián ?

English translation of 赎回这些股票需要多少钱?

How much money is needed to redeem these stocks?

'赎回' here refers to repurchasing or buying back something previously sold, in this case, stocks.


wǒ jiāng shú huí wǒ shī qù de yī qiè

English translation of 我将赎回我失去的一切

I will redeem everything I have lost

'赎回' in this sentence means to recover or regain something that was previously lost.


yī dàn jī huì lái lín , wǒ men bì xū shú huí wǒ men de sǔn shī

English translation of 一旦机会来临,我们必须赎回我们的损失

Once the opportunity arrives, we must redeem our losses

In this context, '赎回' means to recover or offset losses when the opportunity presents itself.


wǒ xī wàng nǐ néng shú huí nǐ zhī qián shuō guò de huà

English translation of 我希望你能赎回你之前说过的话

I hope you can redeem the words you have said before

'赎回' in this sentence refers to taking back or withdrawing previously said words.


shú huí gōng sī shǐ qí zài cì yíng lì

English translation of 赎回公司使其再次盈利

Redeem the company to make it profitable again

In this case, '赎回' means to bring back or recover the profitability of a company.


wǒ xiǎng shú huí wǒ yǐ qián zuò guò de cuò wù

English translation of 我想赎回我以前做过的错误

I want to redeem the mistakes I made in the past

'赎回' in this context means to make up for or correct past mistakes.

shú huí nǐ de chéng nuò , nǐ huì gèng shòu huān yíng

English translation of 赎回你的承诺,你会更受欢迎

Redeem your promise, you will be more popular

In this sentence, '赎回' means fulfilling the promise that was made earlier in order to gain popularity.

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