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shì gù

English translation of 事故


The Chinese word '事故' is used to refer to an unexpected and undesirable event, usually occurring suddenly and causing injury or loss. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'accident'. For example, in the sentence 'He met with an accident', '他出了事故'.

Example sentences using: 事故


Zhè cì shìgù shì yóu tā de shūhū yǐnqǐ de.

English translation of 这次事故是由他的疏忽引起的。

This accident was caused by his negligence.

The phrase revisits the subject of personal responsibility, emphasizing the consequences of negligence through the lens of an accident.


Shìgù fāshēng hòu, wǒ lìkè bàole jǐng.

English translation of 事故发生后,我立刻报了警。

After the accident, I immediately reported it to the police.

This sentence highlights swift response to an accident - a complex, timely situation - and involves law enforcement.


Tā zài shìgù zhōng shòule zhòngshāng.

English translation of 他在事故中受了重伤。

He was seriously injured in the accident.



Shìgù xiànchǎng bèi fēngsuǒle.

English translation of 事故现场被封锁了。

The accident site was closed off.

This phrase is about the standard procedure after an accident by limiting access to the site of the accident.


Jiùhù chē bǎ shìgù de shāngzhě sòng dàole yīyuàn.

English translation of 救护车把事故的伤者送到了医院。

The ambulance took the injured from the accident to the hospital.

The sentence describes medical aid in dispatching help to an accident scene, emphasizing emergency response measures.


Zhège shìgù dǎozhìle duō rén sǐwáng.

English translation of 这个事故导致了多人死亡。

This accident caused multiple deaths.

This sentence brings forth the severity of accidents by highlighting the deadly consequences.


Wǒmen bìxū jìnlì bìmiǎn cǐ lèi shìgù.

English translation of 我们必须尽力避免此类事故。

We must do our best to avoid such accidents.

This phrase underscores the importance of prevention to avoid accidents, fostering a sense of responsibility and caution.


Tā yīn wèi zhè cì shìgù ér shīqùle gōngzuò.

English translation of 他因为这次事故而失去了工作。

He lost his job because of this accident.

This sentence discusses the repercussions of an accident, impacting an individual's career or job.


Wú rén jī yǒu kěnéng yǐnqǐ shìgù.

English translation of 无人机有可能引起事故。

Drones could potentially cause accidents.

This statement brings up the topic of modern technology being a potential cause of accidents.


Tā zài zhè chǎng shìgù zhōng xìngcúngle xiàlái.

English translation of 她在这场事故中幸存了下来。

She survived in this accident.

This phrase highlights survival in the context of unexpected, dangerous situations such as accidents.

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