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shēn tǐ shàng

English translation of 身体上


The Chinese phrase '身体上' is a direct translation of 'physically', it refers to anything relating to the body as opposed to the mind. For instance, if you are physically tired, it means your body, not your mind, is tired.

Example sentences using: 身体上


Wǒ shēntǐ shàng de téngtòng ràng wǒ hěn bù shūfú

English translation of 我身体上的疼痛让我很不舒服

The pain in my body makes me uncomfortable

This sentence describes the situation where the physical discomfort caused by body pain makes the speaker feel uncomfortable.


Shēntǐ shàng de lìliàng duìyú zuò zhè xiàng gōngzuò hěn zhòngyào

English translation of 身体上的力量对于做这项工作很重要

Physical strength is important for doing this job

This sentence suggests that to do a certain job, physical strength is an indispensable factor.


Nǐ shēntǐ shàng yǒu shénme kùnrǎo ma?

English translation of 你身体上有什么困扰吗?

Do you have any physical troubles?

This sentence is used when asking about someone's health, particularly about physical conditions that might be causing them distress or inconvenience.


Wǒ chángcháng zài shēntǐ shàng gǎndào píláo

English translation of 我常常在身体上感到疲劳

I often feel fatigue in my body

This sentence is used to express the speaker's frequent feelings of physical exhaustion or weariness.


Shēntǐ shàng de shānghài bǐ xīnlǐ shàng de gèng nán huīfù

English translation of 身体上的伤害比心理上的更难恢复

Physical injury is harder to recover from than psychological

This sentence expresses the viewpoint that physical injuries might take longer or be more difficult to heal than emotional or psychological traumas.


Tā zài shēntǐ shàng yǒu dútè de biāojì

English translation of 他在身体上有独特的标记

He has a unique mark on his body

This sentence is used to point out a distinctive physical feature or mark on someone's body.


Wǒ xīwàng suǒyǒu háizi dōu shì zài shēntǐ shàng jiànkāng de

English translation of 我希望所有孩子都是在身体上健康的

I hope all children are physically healthy

This sentence expresses the speaker's wish for children's physical well-being.


Liánghǎo de shuìmián duì shēntǐ shàng de huīfù fēicháng zhòngyào

English translation of 良好的睡眠对身体上的恢复非常重要

Good sleep is very important for physical recovery

This sentence emphasizes the importance of quality sleep for maintaining and improving physical health.


Tā shēntǐ shàng gǎndào yīzhèn hánlěng

English translation of 她身体上感到一阵寒冷

She felt a chill in her body

This sentence is used to describe a sensation of feeling cold, perhaps as a result of a sudden temperature drop or feeling unwell.


Yùndòng shì bǎochí shēntǐ shàng jiànkāng de guānjiàn

English translation of 运动是保持身体上健康的关键

Exercise is key to maintaining physical health

This sentence lays emphasis on the role of exercise in sustaining and improving physical health.

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