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shé tóu

English translation of 舌头


The Chinese word for 'tongue' is '舌头' (shétóu). It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like in English, to refer to the muscular organ in the mouth, or metaphorically, such as in the expression 'mother tongue'. However, when translated directly, 'tongue' may not always mean '舌头'. The context always matters in Chinese.

Example sentences using: 舌头


tā de shétóu bèi shāo shāng le.

English translation of 他的舌头被烧伤了。

His tongue is burnt.

This phrase can be used when someone has consumed something excessively hot, causing a burn to their tongue.


shétóu shì wèijué de yuánquán.

English translation of 舌头是味觉的源泉。

The tongue is the source of taste.



tā de shétóu línghuó de xiàng yī zhǐ yànzi.

English translation of 她的舌头灵活得像一只燕子。

Her tongue is as agile as a swallow.

This is used to describe someone's ability to speak or articulate well. An equivalent English phrase might be 'silver tongued'.


tā yòng shétóu zài yáchǐ zhōngjiān tiǎn dōngxi.

English translation of 他用舌头在牙齿中间舔东西。

He used his tongue to lick something in between his teeth.

This phrase can be used to describe a very common action people perform after a meal.


nǐ de shétóu shì fěnhóng sè de.

English translation of 你的舌头是粉红色的。

Your tongue is pink.

This phrase might be used in a medical context when discussing the health or appearance of someone's tongue.


wǒ yǎo le zìjǐ de shétóu.

English translation of 我咬了自己的舌头。

I bit my tongue.

A common phrase expressing the physical error of accidentally biting one's own tongue.


shétóu xiàng jiàn yíyàng fēnglì.

English translation of 舌头像剑一样锋利。

The tongue is as sharp as a sword.

This is a metaphor often used to describe someone's harsh or critical words.


tā xǐhuan yòng shétóu chángshì xīn de wèidào.

English translation of 她喜欢用舌头尝试新的味道。

She likes to use her tongue to try new tastes.

This phrase can be used to describe someone who enjoys trying new foods.


shétóu shì shuōhuà de gōngjù.

English translation of 舌头是说话的工具。

The tongue is a tool for speaking.

This is a way of expressing the primary function of the tongue in human communication.


tā de shétóu hěn cháng.

English translation of 他的舌头很长。

His tongue is very long.

This phrase can be used in a literal physical description of the length of someone's tongue.

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