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English translation of 沙


The Chinese word for 'sand' is '沙'. It's mostly used in the same contexts as in English. For instance, when speaking about the beach, deserts, or sand in general. In Chinese, '沙' can also be used in compound words, such as '沙漠' which means 'desert'.

Example sentences using:


shāfā shàng de māo

English translation of 沙发上的猫

The cat on the sofa

This phrase refers to a common scenario of a cat lying on a sofa. The word '沙发' here refers to sofa.


shātān shàng de jiǎoyìn

English translation of 沙滩上的脚印

Footprints on the beach

This phrase paints a picture of footprints left on a sandy beach, where '沙滩' means beach.


shāmò zhōng de lǜzhōu

English translation of 沙漠中的绿洲

An oasis in the desert

This phrase describes an oasis, lush and green, standing out in the midst of a barren desert. In this scenario, '沙漠' means desert.


shāzi zài wǒ xié lǐ

English translation of 沙子在我鞋里

There is sand in my shoes

A person experiences discomfort because there is sand, '沙子', in their shoes.


shāmò zhōng de luòtuó

English translation of 沙漠中的骆驼

A camel in the desert

This phrase describes a common scene in which a camel is present in a desert, where '沙漠' means desert.


shā chénbào yǐngxiǎng shìxiàn

English translation of 沙尘暴影响视线

Sandstorm affects visibility

This phrase explains that a sandstorm, or '沙尘暴', can disrupt visibility.


shāzi guāhénle wǒ de liǎn

English translation of 沙子刮痕了我的脸

The sand scratched my face

In this sentence, the subject experiences pain or discomfort due to '沙子' or sand scratching their face.


shātān shàng de xīyáng

English translation of 沙滩上的夕阳

The sunset on the beach

This phrase paints a tranquil scene of sunset on the beach, where '沙滩' means beach.


shāmò de rèdù jīhū wúfǎ rěnshòu

English translation of 沙漠的热度几乎无法忍受

The heat of the desert is almost unbearable

In this statement, the speaker talks about the extreme heat in a '沙漠', or desert, that is roughly intolerable.


shātān qiú shì yī zhǒng yùndòng

English translation of 沙滩球是一种运动

Beach volleyball is a kind of sport

This is a statement about beach volleyball being a form of sport. Here, '沙滩球' means beach volleyball.

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