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sā huǎng

English translation of 撒谎


The word '撒谎' in Chinese is used when referring to the act of not telling the truth. It can be used in various contexts similarly to how 'lie' is used in English. For instance, in the phrase '不要撒谎' which means 'don't lie'.

Example sentences using: 撒谎


Tā cóng bù sāhuǎng.

English translation of 他从不撒谎。

He never lies.

This phrase means that a person does not tell lies at all.


Nǐ wèishéme yào sāhuǎng?

English translation of 你为什么要撒谎?

Why do you need to lie?

This is typically asked when the speaker suspects the listener of being dishonest.


Tāmen sāhuǎng, shuō wǒ tōule dōngxī.

English translation of 他们撒谎,说我偷了东西。

They lied, saying I stole things.

This phrase indicates that someone falsely accused the speaker of stealing.


Wǒ néng kàn chū nǐ zài sāhuǎng.

English translation of 我能看出你在撒谎。

I can tell you're lying.

This is usually said when the speaker believes the listener is not telling the truth.


Sāhuǎng shì bùnéng bèi yuánliàng de cuòwù.

English translation of 撒谎是不能被原谅的错误。

Lying is an unforgivable mistake.

This phrase expresses an absolute stance against dishonesty.


Sāhuǎng zhōngjiū huì lùxiàn.

English translation of 撒谎终究会露馅。

Lies will ultimately be exposed.

This is an assertion that no lie can be hidden forever.


Tā shì fēicháng shànyú sāhuǎng de rén.

English translation of 他是非常善于撒谎的人。

He is a very good liar.

This highlights someone's exceptional skill in deception or untruthfulness.


Bùyào sāhuǎng, lǎoshí huídá wǒ.

English translation of 不要撒谎,老实回答我。

Don't lie, answer me honestly.

This is used when urging someone to respond truthfully to a question or statement.


Sāhuǎng de dàijià wǎngwǎng hěn dà.

English translation of 撒谎的代价往往很大。

The cost of lying is often high.

This phrase warns about the severe consequences that usually follow dishonest actions.


Wǒ tǎoyàn sāhuǎng de rén.

English translation of 我讨厌撒谎的人。

I hate liars.

It expresses the speaker's dislike for people who are not truthful.

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