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English translation of 弱点


The Chinese word '弱点' is used to refer to a weakness or shortcoming of something or someone. It can be used to describe physical, mental, or strategic weaknesses. This word is often used conversationally in describing personal feelings, strategies in business or games, and critical analyses.

Example sentences using: 弱点


Wǒ de ruòdiǎn shì shùxué.

English translation of 我的弱点是数学。

My weakness is math.

In this sentence, the speaker is admitting that mathematics is his/her weak point or area of difficulty.


Tā de ruòdiǎn zàiyú tài hǎo rén.

English translation of 他的弱点在于太好人。

His weakness is being too nice.

This sentence expresses the idea that being too nice is seen as a weak point for the individual mentioned.


Wǒmen yīnggāi zhǎochū duìshǒu de ruòdiǎn.

English translation of 我们应该找出对手的弱点。

We should find the opponent's weakness.

This sentence suggests that we should identify our competitor's weak point in order to gain an advantage.


Nǐ de biǎoyǎn de ruòdiǎn shì shénme?

English translation of 你的表演的弱点是什么?

What is the weakness in your performance?



Tā bù yuànyì shuō chū zìjǐ de ruòdiǎn.

English translation of 她不愿意说出自己的弱点。

She is unwilling to talk about her weaknesses.

This sentence reveals that the person in question is not comfortable or willing to discuss her weak points or flaws.


Zhè shì tā de zhǔyào ruòdiǎn.

English translation of 这是他的主要弱点。

This is his main weakness.

The speaker in this sentence is identifying something as the individual's primary area of weakness or vulnerability.


Tā de ruòdiǎn jiùshì quēfá nàixīn.

English translation of 他的弱点就是缺乏耐心。

His weakness is a lack of patience.

This sentence states that the individual's weak point is an absence of patience.


Nǐ rènwéi wǒ de ruòdiǎn zài nǎlǐ?

English translation of 你认为我的弱点在哪里?

Where do you think my weaknesses are?

This question asks for someone's opinion regarding the speaker's weak points or areas for improvement.


Jīngjì de ruòdiǎn zhèngzài xiǎnxiàn.

English translation of 经济的弱点正在显现。

The economy's weak points are emerging.

This sentence suggests that a country or region's economic weak points are becoming visible or apparent.


Rènshí zìjǐ de ruòdiǎn shì hěn zhòngyào de.

English translation of 认识自己的弱点是很重要的。

It is very important to know your weaknesses.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's own areas of weakness or potential improvement.

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