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rèn kě

English translation of 认可


The Chinese word '认可' can be used In many contexts where recognition applies in English. This can be in relation to recognizing achievements, validating someone's identity, or approval or acceptance of an idea.

Example sentences using: 认可


Xuéyuàn juédìng rènkě tā de xuéfēn

English translation of 学院决定认可他的学分。

The college decided to recognize his credits.

The term refers to a formal acceptance of one's academic credits at a college or university.


Zài wǒmen de tuánduì zhōng, tā dédàole zuìduō de rènkě

English translation of 在我们的团队中,他得到了最多的认可。

In our team, he got the most recognition.

A statement showing the individual's acceptance and appreciation within a team.


Zhège fǎ'àn méiyǒu dédào dǎng nèi de rènkě

English translation of 这个法案没有得到党内的认可。

This bill did not receive the approval of the party.

Describing a situation where a political party does not agree with or accept a bill or proposal.


Dàjiā dōu rènkě wǒ zhège juédìng

English translation of 大家都认可我这个决定。

Everyone approves of my decision.

Expressing a situation where the speaker's decision is accepted by everyone.


Tā de xīn xiǎngfǎ dédàole gōngsī de rènkě

English translation of 她的新想法得到了公司的认可。

Her new idea has been approved by the company.

Indicating that the speaker's new idea is recognized and accepted by the company.


Wǒ wúfǎ rènkě tā de zuòfǎ

English translation of 我无法认可他的做法。

I cannot approve his course of action.

The speaker is expressing their disapproval of someone else's actions.


Wǒ de yìwù dédàole tā de rènkě

English translation of 我的义务得到了他的认可。

My duty was approved by him.

Expresses the speaker's responsibilities receiving approval and recognition from another individual.


Rènkě tā de yìjiàn xūyào shíjiān

English translation of 认可他的意见需要时间。

It takes time to approve his opinion.

Expressing a situation where it takes some time to accept or agree with someone's opinion.


Wǒ bùnéng rènkě tā de xíngwéi

English translation of 我不能认可他的行为。

I cannot approve his behavior.

A statement of disapproval for someone else's actions.


Tā de xíngwéi dédàole dàjiā de rènkě

English translation of 他的行为得到了大家的认可。

His behavior has been approved by everyone.

Expressing that one's actions are recognized positively by others.

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