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rèn hé

English translation of 任何


The Chinese word '任何' is used similarly to how 'any' is used in English, conveying the same non-specific or broad concept. It can be used in both positive and negative sentences. Like 'any' in English, '任何' can be used with both singular and plural nouns.

Example sentences using: 任何


tā kěyǐ zuò rènhé tā xiǎng zuò de shì

English translation of 她可以做任何她想做的事

She can do anything she wants to do

In this phrase, '任何她想做的事' means 'anything she wants to do'. This phrase is used to show that she has the freedom to do anything she wishes.


zhège yīyuàn kěyǐ jiēshòu rènhé bìngrén

English translation of 这个医院可以接受任何病人

This hospital can accept any patient

In the phrase, '任何病人' means 'any patient'. This phrase is used to show that the hospital takes in any kind of patient.


tā xiàng rènhé rén dōu bù huì chéngrèn cuòwù

English translation of 他向任何人都不会承认错误

He won't admit mistakes to anyone

In the phrase, '任何人' means 'anyone'. This phrase is used to demonstrate that the person is unwilling to admit his mistakes to anyone.


wǒmen bìxū bìmiǎn rènhé xíngshì de làngfèi

English translation of 我们必须避免任何形式的浪费

We must avoid any form of waste

The phrase '任何形式的浪费' means 'any form of waste'. This phrase is used to emphasize the necessity to prevent all kinds of wasteful behavior.


nǐ bùnéng zài rènhé dìfāng chōuyān

English translation of 你不能在任何地方抽烟

You cannot smoke anywhere

The phrase '任何地方' means 'anywhere'. This phrase is used to emphasize the prohibition of smoking anywhere.


zhègè juédìng bù shèjí rènhé gèrén de lìyì

English translation of 这个决定不涉及任何个人的利益

This decision does not involve any individual's interest

The phrase '任何个人的利益' means 'any individual's interest'. This phrase refers to the decisiveness of the matter that it doesn't involve any individual's interest.


rènhéwèntí wǒ dōu néng jiějué

English translation of 任何问题我都能解决

I can solve any problem

The phrase '任何问题' means 'any problem'. This phrase reflects the person's confidence in their ability to handle any kinds of problems.


jǐngfāng bù páichú rènhé kěnéngxìng

English translation of 警方不排除任何可能性

The police do not rule out any possibility

The phrase '任何可能性' means 'any possibility'. This phrase is used to show that the police consider all possibilities.


wǒmen bù néng hūshì rènhé yī xiàng xìjié

English translation of 我们不能忽视任何一项细节

We can't ignore any details

In the phrase, '任何一项细节' means 'any detail'. This phrase emphasizes that attention should be paid to every single detail.


wǒ kěyǐ zài rènhé shíjiān lái zhǎo nǐ

English translation of 我可以在任何时间来找你

I can come to find you at any time

In this phrase, '任何时间' means 'any time'. This phrase is used to show that the person can find the other person at any given time.

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