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English translation of 热


The Chinese term '热' can be used in similar ways to the English word 'heat'. It refers to the sensation or condition of warmth or hotness. It can also represent a high degree of excitement, enthusiasm, or emotional intensity.

Example sentences using:


Tiānqì hěn rè

English translation of 天气很热。

The weather is very hot.

This common phrase expresses the heat of weather using the Chinese character for hot '热'.


Chá tài rèle

English translation of 茶太热了。

The tea is too hot.

The phrase refers to the temperature of the tea being too hot, utilizing the '热' character.


Huǒ rè de àiqíng

English translation of 火热的爱情。

Fiery love.

The sentence describes love as being hot like fire, using the word '热'.


Rè gǒu shì wǒ de zuì ài

English translation of 热狗是我的最爱。

Hot dogs are my favorite.

The '热' character is used here to refer to hot dogs, as a food item.


Rèdài yǔlín

English translation of 热带雨林。

Tropical rainforest.

Hot/tropical climate is expressed using the '热' character.


Tā fēicháng rèqíng

English translation of 她非常热情。

She is very enthusiastic.

Referring to a person's disposition or personality as heated or warm, using the '热' character.


Rèxiě de qīngnián

English translation of 热血的青年。

Hot-blooded youth.

Referring to a person, especially a young person, as passionate and energetic, using the '热' character.


Wǒ xūyào rè de kāfēi

English translation of 我需要热的咖啡。

I need hot coffee.

Referring to a hot beverage, using the '热' character.

Zhège dìfāng rénqì hěn rè

English translation of 这个地方人气很热。

This place is very popular.

The sentence describes a place as being popular or hotly contested, using the '热' character.


Shìqíng jìnzhǎn dé hěn rèliè

English translation of 事情进展得很热烈。

The affair is progressing enthusiastically.

Describing something as heated or warm in terms of progress or development.

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