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quē fá

English translation of 缺乏


The Chinese word '缺乏' is used similarly to the English word 'lack'. It can be used to express the absence or deficiency of something, and it can also be used in various contexts such as in expressing the lack of time, resources, skills, etc. For example, '我缺乏时间' means 'I lack time'.

Example sentences using: 缺乏


wǒ men shēng huó zhōng quē fá yùn dòng.

English translation of 我们生活中缺乏运动。

There is a lack of exercise in our life.

This example shows that '缺乏' is used to indicate a deficiency or lack of something, in this case, exercise in daily life.


tā de jì huà quē fá shí jì xìng.

English translation of 他的计划缺乏实际性。

His plan lacks practicality.

Here, '缺乏' is used to depict the lack of a certain quality, practicality, in somebody's plan.


hěn duō rén quē fá zì xìn.

English translation of 很多人缺乏自信。

A lot of people lack self-confidence.

In this example, '缺乏' is used to demonstrate the lack of a personal trait, self-confidence, among many people.


quē fá shuǐ huì shǐ rén gǎn dào kǒu kě.

English translation of 缺乏水会使人感到口渴。

Lack of water can make people feel thirsty.

In this sentence, '缺乏' is used to show that deficiency of a physical substance, water, can lead to a certain feeling, thirst.


xué xí quē fá dòng lì jiù huì bàn tú ér fèi.

English translation of 学习缺乏动力就会半途而废。

Lack of motivation in studies will lead to giving up halfway.

In this context, '缺乏' is used to indicate that the lack of something, motivation in this case, can lead to a specific outcome.


tā de wén zhāng quē fá shēn dù.

English translation of 他的文章缺乏深度。

His article lacks depth.

In this sentence, '缺乏' is used to denote the absence of a certain characteristic, depth, in an article.


gōng zuò huán jìng quē fá ān quán.

English translation of 工作环境缺乏安全。

The work environment lacks safety.

This is stating that the lack of safety is in the working environment, indicating that '缺乏' can demonstrate deficiency in a situation.


tā de jiǎng huà quē fá shuō fú lì.

English translation of 他的讲话缺乏说服力。

His speech lacks persuasion.

Here, '缺乏' is used to indicate that a lack of persuasive power in a speech.


xīn de zhèng cè quē fá gōng zhèng.

English translation of 新的政策缺乏公正。

The new policy lacks fairness.

In this case, '缺乏' is used to describe a lack of fairness in a new policy.


shè huì shàng hěn duō rén quē fá jiān dū.

English translation of 社会上很多人缺乏监督。

There are many people in society who lack supervision.

This sentence indicates that '缺乏' can be used to express the absence of an action or behavior, such as supervision, among many people in society.

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