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qǔ diào

English translation of 曲调


The Chinese word '曲调' is equivalent to the English word 'tune'. It is generally used to describe a sequence of musical notes, which is pleasing when played or sung. Similarly, it can also refer to adjusting a musical instrument so it produces the correct sound, quite similar to its English counterpart usage.

Example sentences using: 曲调


Wǒ xǐhuān zhè shǒu shī de qǔdiào.

English translation of 我喜欢这首诗的曲调。

I like the melody of this poem.

In this example, the word 曲调 refers to the pleasing and harmonious arrangement or sequence of sound in the poem, contributing to its aesthetic appeal.


Tā de qǔ diào zǒng shì nàme xīyǐn rén.

English translation of 她的曲调总是那么吸引人。

Her melody is always so attractive.

Here, 曲调 is used to describe the tune or melody of her song, indicating that it consistently appeals to people.


Tā gǎibiànle zhè shǒu gē de qǔ diào.

English translation of 他改变了这首歌的曲调。

He changed the tune of this song.

In this sentence, 曲调 is referring to the melody of a song that got modified.


Wǒ jì bú zhù zhè shǒu gē de qǔ diào.

English translation of 我记不住这首歌的曲调。

I can't remember the tune of this song.

In this instance, 曲调 indicates the melody of a song. The speaker is unable to recall the tune associated with it.


Zhège qǔ diào tīng qǐlái hěn shúxī.

English translation of 这个曲调听起来很熟悉。

This melody sounds very familiar.



Tā zǒng shì néng xiě chū hǎo tīng de qǔ diào.

English translation of 他总是能写出好听的曲调。

He always writes good tunes.

The term 曲调 here refers to the pleasing melodies that he successfully composes.


Wǒ shìzhe xiěle yígè xīn de qǔ diào.

English translation of 我试着写了一个新的曲调。

I tried to write a new melody.

Here, 曲调 is used in the context of songwriting, where the speaker is experimenting with composing a new tune.


Zhège qǔ diào tīng qǐlái shífēn bēishāng.

English translation of 这个曲调听起来十分悲伤。

This tune sounds very sad.

In this sentence, 曲调 is indicating the tune or melody of the song. The statement points to the tune of the song conveying a sad emotion.


Zhè shǒu gē de qǔ diào fēicháng dòng tīng.

English translation of 这首歌的曲调非常动听。

The tune of this song is very pleasing.

In this sentence, 曲调 is used in the context of a music song, indicating the melody or tune of the song. The context suggests a positive review of the song by the speaker.


Qǔ diào hé gēcí yīyàng zhòngyào.

English translation of 曲调和歌词一样重要。

Melody is as important as lyrics.

This phrase is emphasizing that both the melody (曲调) and the lyrics are equally important - that balance is key to a successful song.

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