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qù diào

English translation of 去掉


The Chinese word for 'rid' is '去掉'. It is often used in the context of removing, eliminating or getting rid of something. Like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical removal of an object, or less tangible concepts like getting rid of a habit or a negative thought.

Example sentences using: 去掉


Qǐng bǎ cuòwù de zì qùdiào.

English translation of 请把错误的字去掉。

Please remove the wrong characters.

This sentence uses 去掉 to describe the action of removing mistakes (in this case, wrong characters) from something.


Nǐ kěyǐ qùdiào bùbìyào de bùfèn.

English translation of 你可以去掉不必要的部分。

You can remove the unnecessary parts.

Here, 去掉 is used to suggest getting rid of unnecessary portions or sections of something.


Wǒ xiǎng qùdiào zhè jù huà.

English translation of 我想去掉这句话。

I want to remove this sentence.

This sentence uses 去掉 in the context of removing a piece of text (in this case, a sentence).


Qùdiào nǐ de xiézi, ránhòu jìnlái.

English translation of 去掉你的鞋子,然后进来。

Take off your shoes and come in.

In this instance, 去掉 is used to describe an action of taking off an article of clothing (shoes in this case) before entering the house.


Wǒmen bìxū qùdiào zhège xiǎngfǎ.

English translation of 我们必须去掉这个想法。

We must get rid of this idea.

In this sentence, 去掉 is used in the context of discarding or no longer considering a thought or idea.


Qùdiào zhèxiē wúyòng de xìnxī.

English translation of 去掉这些无用的信息。

Remove these useless information.

This phrase use 去掉 to suggest removing information that is considered useless or irrelevant.


Wǒmen yīnggāi qùdiào fù néngliàng.

English translation of 我们应该去掉负能量。

We should get rid of the negative energy.

In this context, 去掉 is used in the sense of eliminating or getting rid of something undesirable, in this case, negative energy.


Qùdiào guòqī de shíwù.

English translation of 去掉过期的食物。

Discard the expired food.

This sentence uses 去掉 to refer to the act of discarding or getting rid of something, in this case, food that has expired.


Qùdiào nǐ de kùnhuò, jìxù qiánjìn.

English translation of 去掉你的困惑,继续前进。

Shed your confusion and move on.

In this context, 去掉 refers to the mental action of getting rid of or 'shedding' confusion or doubt.


Zhè shèjì gǎo xūyào qùdiào yìxiē yuánsù.

English translation of 这设计稿需要去掉一些元素。

This design draft needs to remove some elements.

Here, 去掉 describes a need to remove or eliminate certain elements in a design draft.

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