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qīng dào

English translation of 倾倒


The Chinese word '倾倒' is used to denote the act of dumping or unloading something, just as 'dump' is used in English. It's mostly used in the context of dumping waste or pouring out liquids. This word can also be metaphorically used to express feelings being poured out.

Example sentences using: 倾倒


Ta1 qing1 dao3 le yi4 bei1 shui3.

English translation of 她倾倒了一杯水。

She poured a glass of water.

In this sentence, '倾倒' is used to express the action of pouring a liquid from one container to another. The subject '她' is doing the action to the object '一杯水'.


Qing3 ni3 qing1 dao3 la1 ji1.

English translation of 请你倾倒垃圾。

Please dump the trash.

'倾倒' in this context refers to the action of disposing garbage. It is often used in a polite request or instructions.


Ta1 ba3 suo3 you3 de bing1 kuai4 qing1 dao3 dao4 yin3 liao4 zhong1.

English translation of 他把所有的冰块倾倒到饮料中。

He dumped all the ice cubes into the drink.

In this situation, '倾倒' implies moving contents from one container to another, specifically the '冰块' into the '饮料'.


Yu3 shui3 cong2 wu1 ding3 qing1 dao3 xia4 lai2.

English translation of 雨水从屋顶倾倒下来。

The rainwater is pouring down from the roof.

Here, '倾倒' is used to describe a natural event, specifically the action of rainwater falling from a high place.


Qing1 dao3 wan2 na4 ping2 jiu3 hou4, ta1 gan3 dao4 tou2 hun1 nao3 zhang4.

English translation of 倾倒完那瓶酒后,他感到头昏脑胀。

After dumping the bottle of alcohol, he felt dizzy.

The phrase '倾倒完' indicates the completion of the action of pouring out or consuming the alcohol.


Ta1 de lian3 se4 zai4 qing1 dao3 sheng4 yu2 de pi2 jiu3 shi2 cang1 bai2 qi3 lai2.

English translation of 他的脸色在倾倒剩余的啤酒时苍白起来。

His face turned pale as he dumped out the remaining beer

'倾倒剩余的啤酒' implies the action of getting rid of or disposing the remaining beer.


Qing1 dao3 suo3 you3 de ji1 shui3 hui4 zao4 cheng2 hong2 shui3.

English translation of 倾倒所有的积水会造成洪水。

Pouring out all the accumulated water can cause floods.

In this scenario, '倾倒' signifies the act of releasing or spilling over a large amount of water, which might result in a flood.


Qing3 cong1 cong1 qing1 dao3 na4 xie1 shu1 ji2.

English translation of 请匆匆倾倒那些书籍。

Please don't hurriedly dump those books.

'倾倒' in this sentence describes the action of disposing or getting rid of, referring to '那些书籍'.


Ta1 zai4 qing1 dao3 ta1 de shui4 dai4 li3 de sha1 zi shi2 ku1 le.

English translation of 他在倾倒他的睡袋里的沙子时哭了。

He cried while pouring out the sand from his sleeping bag.

In this sentence, '倾倒' represents the action of emptying something out, with '他的睡袋里的沙子' being the object of action.


Ta1 men wei4 le jian3 qing1 zhong4 liang2, qing1 dao3 le yi4 xie1 gong1 ying4.

English translation of 他们为了减轻重量,倾倒了一些供应。

To reduce the weight, they dumped some supplies.

'倾倒' in this instance refers to the act of getting rid of in order to lighten the load, specifically referring to the '供应'.

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