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qiē piàn

English translation of 切片


The Chinese term '切片' mirrors that of 'slice' in English and is often used to describe the act of slicing something into multiple parts or a part cut off from a whole. It is most commonly used in the context of food preparation or computer programming to represent a subarray.

Example sentences using: 切片


Wǒ xiǎng cóng zhège dà de píngguǒ zhōng qiēpiàn.

English translation of 我想从这个大的苹果中切片。

I want to slice from this big apple.

In this sentence, the word '切片' is used as a verb, indicating the action of slicing an apple.


Tā zhèngzài miànbāo shàng qiēpiàn.

English translation of 他正在面包上切片。

He is slicing on the bread.

In this context, '切片' is also used as a verb referring to the process of slicing bread.


Wǒmen xūyào bǎ zhège xīguā qiēpiàn.

English translation of 我们需要把这个西瓜切片。

We need to slice this watermelon.

Here, '切片' is a verb indicating the action of slicing a watermelon.


Zài zhè cì pàiduì shàng, tā fùzé qiēpiàn.

English translation of 在这次派对上,她负责切片。

She is in charge of slicing at this party.

In this sentence '切片' is referring to the task of slicing food for the party.


Wèile zhìzuò shālā, wǒ xūyào bǎ zhège huángguā qiēpiàn.

English translation of 为了制作沙拉,我需要把这个黄瓜切片。

In order to make salad, I need to slice this cucumber.

In this context, '切片' is utilized as an action in the process of making salad.


Tā zhèngzài gěi tā de xuéshēng yǎnshì rúhé qiēpiàn.

English translation of 她正在给她的学生演示如何切片。

She is demonstrating to her students how to slice.

In this sentence, '切片' is a verb referring to the action of slicing which the teacher is demonstrating.


Qiēpiàn xūyào yòng dào jiānlì de dāo.

English translation of 切片需要用到尖利的刀。

Slicing requires a sharp knife.

In this case, '切片' denotes the action of slicing which requires a sharp knife.


Qiēpiàn shì zuò fàn de yīgè zhòngyào bùzhòu.

English translation of 切片是做饭的一个重要步骤。

Slicing is an important step in cooking.

Here, '切片' represents an important procedure in cooking process.


Tā bǎ fānqié qiēpiàn fàng zài miànbāo shàng.

English translation of 他把番茄切片放在面包上。

He slices the tomato and puts it on the bread.

In this example, '切片' is used as a verb indicating the action of slicing a tomato.


Zhège hōngbèi diàn de qiēpiàn miànbāo fēicháng hào chī.

English translation of 这个烘焙店的切片面包非常好吃。

The sliced bread from this bakery is very delicious.

In this context, '切片' used as an adjective to describe bread which has been sliced.

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