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qí tā dì fāng

English translation of 其他地方


The Chinese word '其他地方' is used to refer to other places or locations. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the English word 'elsewhere'. For instance, you can use it when you want to suggest someone to go somewhere else, or when you're talking about different places in the world.

Example sentences using: 其他地方


Wǒmen qítā dìfāng yǒuxiēxǔ de bùtóng.

English translation of 我们其他地方有些许的不同。

We have some differences in other places.

This sentence explains about some differences that exist other than common or usual places in the context.


Qítā dìfāng nǐ qùguò ma?

English translation of 其他地方你去过吗?

Have you been to other places?

This sentence is asking someone if they've visited other places.


Qítā dìfāng zǒng shì gèng yǒu xīyǐnlì.

English translation of 其他地方总是更有吸引力。

Other places are always more attractive.

This sentence is implying that other places always have something more appealing or interesting.


Wǒ xiǎng qù qítā dìfāng lǚxíng.

English translation of 我想去其他地方旅行。

I want to travel to other places.

This phrase shows a desire to travel beyond the usual or currently-mentioned places.


Qítā dìfāng de tiānqì rúhé?

English translation of 其他地方的天气如何?

How is the weather in other places?

This sentence is asking about the weather conditions in other locations.


Qítā dìfāng hái yǒu shénme?

English translation of 其他地方还有什么?

What else is in other places?

In the context of gathering information, this sentence is asking about what else can be found in the other locations.


Nǐ zài qítā dìfāng kàn dào tāle ma?

English translation of 你在其他地方看到她了吗?

Have you seen her somewhere else?

This sentence is asking if someone has been seen in any other locations.


Tā zài qítā dìfāng zhùle hěnduō nián.

English translation of 他在其他地方住了很多年。

He has lived in other places for many years.

This sentence is sharing information about someone's past, emphasizing they have lived in other places for a long time.


Qítā dìfāng de rénmen duì cǐ yǒu hé kànfǎ?

English translation of 其他地方的人们对此有何看法?

What do people in other places think about this?

This sentence is asking for opinions or perspectives from people in other locations on a specific topic.


Qítā dìfāng yǒu gèng hǎo de jīhuì.

English translation of 其他地方有更好的机会。

There are better opportunities in other places.

This phrase suggests that better possibilities or opportunities are available in other places.

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