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qǐ lái

English translation of 起来


The Chinese word '起来' can be used in the context where something arises or comes up. It can also imply standing up depending on the context. Nevertheless, it generally captures the essence of the English word 'arise'.

Example sentences using: 起来


kàn tā qǐlái bù kāixīn.

English translation of 看他起来不开心。

he seems unhappy.

An example of 起来 used to indicate how something appears or seems, based on its state or condition.


tā qǐlái xiàng yī zhī gǒu.

English translation of 它起来像一只狗。

It looks like a dog.

Another example of 起来 used to indicate the look of something/someone, similar to 'looks like' in English.


tā késou qǐlái zhēn xiàrén.

English translation of 他咳嗽起来真吓人。

His coughing is really scary.

An example of 起来 used to describe the action of the subject, as perceived by the speaker.


tā chànggē qǐlái hěn dòngtīng.

English translation of 她唱歌起来很动听。

Her singing sounds good.

An example of 起来 used commonly to express one's action or performance.


chēzi kāi qǐlái shūfu.

English translation of 车子开起来舒服。

The car is comfortable to drive.

An example of 起来 used to indicate the action of someone, giving emphasis to the action being experienced.


wǒ qìfèn qǐlái.

English translation of 我气愤起来。

I get angry.

An example of 起来 showing the starting of an action, similar to 'begin to' in English.


xīntiào jiākuài qǐlái.

English translation of 心跳加快起来。

My heartbeat quickens.

This example illustrates the use of 起来 to show the beginning or unfolding of an observable action or state.


tā xiào qǐlái hěn hǎokàn.

English translation of 他笑起来很好看。

His laugh is very attractive.

An example of 起来 used to depict the way of doing something or someone's tendency in doing an action.


tàiyáng shēng qǐlái le.

English translation of 太阳升起来了。

The sun has risen.

This example shows the use of 起来, giving emphasis to the result of an action.


nàozhōng xiǎng qǐlái le.

English translation of 闹钟响起来了。

The alarm clock has gone off.

An example of 起来 used to indicate the beginning or start of an event.

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