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qì hòu

English translation of 气候


The Chinese word '气候' covers the same concept as the English word 'climate'. In China, the word is commonly used when talking about weather patterns or environmental concerns. It is also applicable when discussing general environments or situations, like 'political climate'.

Example sentences using: 气候


qì hòu yíng xiǎng nóng yè shēng chǎn.

English translation of 气候影响农业生产。

Climate affects agricultural production.

This sentence demonstrates the impact climate has on agriculture, showing the connection between natural environment and human activity.


běi jīng de qì hòu fēi cháng shì yí.

English translation of 北京的气候非常适宜。

The climate in Beijing is very suitable.

This sentence describes the favorability of Beijing's climate, illustrating its suitability for activities or living.


qì hòu biàn huà shì wǒ men bì xū miàn duì de tiǎo zhàn.

English translation of 气候变化是我们必须面对的挑战。

Climate change is a challenge we must face.

This sentence addresses the global issue of climate change, emphasizing the urgency and importance of confronting this problem.


qì hòu yán jiū shì yī gè fù zá de xué kē.

English translation of 气候研究是一个复杂的学科。

Climate research is a complex discipline.

This sentence reflects the complexity and depth of climate research, highlighting its nature as an academic field.


měi gè dì fāng dōu yǒu tā dú tè de qì hòu.

English translation of 每个地方都有它独特的气候。

Every place has its unique climate.

This sentence shows that climatic conditions can vary significantly from place to place.


wǒ men bì xū guān zhù qì hòu biàn huà.

English translation of 我们必须关注气候变化。

We must pay attention to climate change.

An environmental call to action, this sentence emphasizes the need for awareness and concern over the global issue of climate change.


qì hòu duì lǚ yóu yè yǒu hěn dà yǐng xiǎng.

English translation of 气候对旅游业有很大影响。

Climate has a big impact on the tourism industry.

This sentence highlights the significant influence of climate on tourism, demonstrating the interconnection of natural environment and economy.


qì hòu kě yǐ jué dìng wù zhǒng de fēn bù.

English translation of 气候可以决定物种的分布。

Climate can determine the distribution of species.

This sentence points out the effect of climate on biodiversity, emphasizing the role climate plays in species distribution.


zhè lǐ de qì hòu biàn huà hěn dà.

English translation of 这里的气候变化很大。

The climate here changes a lot.

This sentence discusses the significant climatic variation in a particular area, suggesting that conditions can change dramatically.


qì hòu duì rén lèi shēng huó yǒu zhòng dà yǐng xiǎng.

English translation of 气候对人类生活有重大影响。

Climate has a significant impact on human life.

This sentence emphasizes the substantial effect of climate on the daily lives of people, showing the broad reach of its impact.

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