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píng héng

English translation of 平衡


In Chinese, the term '平衡' refers to 'balance'. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical balance, emotional balance or financial balance. It can be used to describe a situation where different things exist in equal or correct amounts. For example, it can be used to describe a well-balanced diet (平衡饮食) or a balance of power (力量平衡).

Example sentences using: 平衡


Tā de pínghéng gǎn hěn hǎo.

English translation of 她的平衡感很好。

Her sense of balance is very good.

This sentence is used when someone demonstrates an excellent ability to maintain balance, possibly during a physical activity, like yoga or dance.


Huánjìng pínghéng shì wǒmen de zérèn.

English translation of 环境平衡是我们的责任。

Environmental balance is our responsibility.

This sentence highlights the importance of maintaining environmental stability or equilibrium, since it's everyone's duty.


Pínghéng nǐ de gōngzuò hé shēnghuó.

English translation of 平衡你的工作和生活。

Balance your work and life.

This instruction emphasizes the need to ensure personal wellbeing by evenly distributing your time and energy between career endeavors and personal life.


Zhè kuǎn shǒujī de pínghéngxìng fēicháng hǎo.

English translation of 这款手机的平衡性非常好。

This cell phone has excellent balance.

This phrase could be about the physical balance of the cell phone (it doesn't easily tip over), or might be about balanced features or specifications.


Bǎochí yǐnshí pínghéng.

English translation of 保持饮食平衡。

Maintain a balanced diet.

This instruction underlines the importance of eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions for healthy living.


Tā zài pínghéng guīhuà hé shíshī zhī jiān.

English translation of 她在平衡规划和实施之间。

She is balancing between planning and implementation.

This sentence can be used when someone is exhibiting an excellent ability to balance between designing a plan and executing the tasks associated with the plan.


Tāmen zhèngzài nǔlì shíxiàn pínghéng.

English translation of 他们正在努力实现平衡。

They are striving to achieve balance.

This phrase can be used when an individual, couple, or party is making an effort to maintain or restore equilibrium in any given situation.


Zhège gōngpíng hé pínghéng de juédìng.

English translation of 这个公平和平衡的决定。

This is a fair and balanced decision.

This statement is made when a decision takes into account all parties and factors involved, seeking to establish equilibrium.


Wèile pínghéng gōnggòng hé sīrén lìyì.

English translation of 为了平衡公共和私人利益。

To balance public and private interests.

This phrase can be used when discussing the act of managing potentially conflicting needs or advantages between public entities or society and individuals.


Wǒmen bìxū pínghéng yùsuàn.

English translation of 我们必须平衡预算。

We must balance the budget.

This instruction is given when the goal is to ensure that a budget should equal or exceed expenses.

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