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pí fū

English translation of 皮肤


The Chinese word '皮肤' can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to its English equivalent 'skin.' It is commonly used to refer to skin on human body and can also be used metaphorically. For example, in expressions regarding someone's facial skin condition.

Example sentences using: 皮肤


Pífū xūyào duō hē shuǐ.

English translation of 皮肤需要多喝水。

The skin needs to drink more water.

This sentence is advising to drink more water for healthier skin.


Pífū hùlǐ shì zhòngyào de.

English translation of 皮肤护理是重要的。

Skin care is important.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of skin care.


Wǒ de pífū hěn báixǐ.

English translation of 我的皮肤很白皙。

My skin is very fair.

This sentence shows someone describing the fairness of their skin.


Pífū gānzào shì gè wèntí.

English translation of 皮肤干燥是个问题。

Dry skin is a problem.

This sentence talks about dry skin being a problem.


Pífū gǎnjué hěn yǎng.

English translation of 皮肤感觉很痒。

Skin feels very itchy.

This sentence is about someone who feels itchy on their skin.


Pífū bàolù zài yángguāng xià.

English translation of 皮肤暴露在阳光下。

The skin is exposed to the sun.

This sentence talks about skin being exposed to the sunlight.


Pífū zhuàngkuàng kěyǐ fǎnyìng nǐ de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng.

English translation of 皮肤状况可以反映你的健康状况。

Skin condition can reflect your health status.

This sentence suggests that the state of one's skin can be an indicator of their overall health.


Bǎochí pífū qīngjié hěn zhòngyào.

English translation of 保持皮肤清洁很重要。

Keeping the skin clean is very important.

This sentence gives advice on the importance of keeping skin clean.


Zhè zhǒng chǎnpǐn duì pífū méiyǒu shānghài.

English translation of 这种产品对皮肤没有伤害。

This product does not harm the skin.

The sentence is saying that the product does not harm the skin.


Pífū hěn mǐngǎn, bù néng yòng qiángliè de huàzhuāngpǐn.

English translation of 皮肤很敏感,不能用强烈的化妆品。

The skin is very sensitive and can't use strong cosmetics.

The sentence discusses how sensitive skin should not be exposed to strong cosmetics.

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