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pēn wù

English translation of 喷雾


The Chinese word '喷雾' is used to describe the action or result of spraying, equivalent to 'spray' in English. It can be used for spraying liquid, perfume, water, or any other substance that can be dispersed in small droplets. It is mostly used in the context of eventually dispersing or spreading a substance evenly over an area through the use of pressure or force.

Example sentences using: 喷雾


qǐng gěi wǒ yì píng pēn wù

English translation of 请给我一瓶喷雾

Please give me a bottle of spray

This is a polite request asking for a bottle of spray.


nǐ de pēn wù xiāng shuǐ wèi dào hěn hǎo

English translation of 你的喷雾香水味道很好

Your spray perfume smells great

The sentence is complimenting the smell of someone's spray perfume.


wǒ yīng gāi yòng pēn wù shàng sè ma

English translation of 我应该用喷雾上色吗

Should I use spray for coloring?

The statement shows someone questioning whether to use spray for coloring purpose.


bǎ pēn wù fàng huí qù

English translation of 把喷雾放回去

Put the spray back

This command is instructing somebody to place the spray back to its original location.


tā zài huā yuán lǐ pēn wù

English translation of 她在花园里喷雾

She is spraying in the garden

This phrase describes someone spraying, most likely watering plants, in the garden.


pēn wù jì duì wǒ lái shuō tài qiáng liè le

English translation of 喷雾剂对我来说太强烈了

The spray is too strong for me

The person is stating that the spray is too potent or has a strong smell for their preference.


pēn wù kě yǐ shā sǐ xì jūn

English translation of 喷雾可以杀死细菌

The spray can kill bacteria

The sentence signifies that the spray has antibacterial properties.


pēn wù de shēng yīn chǎo xǐng le wǒ

English translation of 喷雾的声音吵醒了我

The sound of the spray woke me up

This phrase explains that the person was awaken by the sound made by the spray.


wǒ bù xǐ huān zhè zhǒng pēn wù de wèi dào

English translation of 我不喜欢这种喷雾的味道

I don't like the smell of this spray

The person expresses their dislike for the smell of a particular spray.


yī shēng gěi wǒ kāi le yī zhǒng kàng guò mǐn de pēn wù

English translation of 医生给我开了一种抗过敏的喷雾

The doctor prescribed me an anti-allergy spray

This statement shows that the doctor prescribed the person an anti-allergy spray for health-related reasons.

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