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pàn duàn

English translation of 判断


The Chinese word '判断' is used in a similar way as 'judgment' in English. It represents the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions. One can use it in a sentence like '他判断这不是个好主意' meaning 'He judged that this was not a good idea'.

Example sentences using: 判断


wǒ zàn shí wú fǎ pàn duàn zhè ge wèn tí.

English translation of 我暂时无法判断这个问题。

I can't judge this issue at the moment.

Here, 判断 is used to indicate the act of making a decision or forming a conclusion about something.


tōng guò tā de biǎo qíng,wǒ pàn duàn tā hěn kāi xīn.

English translation of 通过他的表情,我判断他很开心。

By his expression, I judge that he is very happy.

In this context, 判断 means to infer or conclude about someone's feelings based on their expressions.


zhè tí hěn nán,wǒ nán yǐ pàn duàn.

English translation of 这题很难,我难以判断。

This problem is difficult, I find it hard to judge.

判断 here is used in the context of making a decision or coming to a conclusion after contemplating a difficult problem.


wǒ men xū gēn jù qíng kuàng pàn duàn.

English translation of 我们需根据情况判断。

We need to judge according to the situation.

In this example, 判断 means to make an observation or decision based on a situation or context.


tā de pàn duàn néng lì hěn qiáng.

English translation of 他的判断能力很强。

His judgment ability is very strong.

In this phrase, 判断 is linked with 能力 forming 'judgment ability', emphasizing the person's ability to make good decisions.


nǐ bù néng gēn jù wài biǎo pàn duàn yī gè rén.

English translation of 你不能根据外表判断一个人。

You can't judge a person by appearances.

This sentence contains a cautionary advice using 判断, advising not to form conclusions about a person based on their appearance.


tā de pàn duàn yī xiàng hěn zhǔn què.

English translation of 她的判断一向很准确。

Her judgment is always very accurate.

判断 in this context is used to indicate the accuracy of the person's judgements or decisions.


zhè shì yī cì cuò wù de pàn duàn.

English translation of 这是一次错误的判断。

This is a wrong judgment.

判断 is used here to indicate an incorrect decision or judgment made by a person.


wǒ pàn duàn tā huì jiē shòu zhè ge tí yì.

English translation of 我判断他会接受这个提议。

I judge that he will accept this proposal.

In this example, 判断 is used in a predictive way, to make an inference about someone's future action.


nǐ xū yào zǐ xì pàn duàn cǐ shì jiàn de zhēn jiǎ.

English translation of 你需要仔细判断此事件的真假。

You need to carefully judge the truth of this event.

In this sentence, 判断 is used as a verb in the sense of making a judgement or decision after an evaluation or consideration.

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