Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.


The Chinese word for 'light' is '光'. It is used to describe something that illuminates and can also refer to weight as in light or heavy. Moreover, '光' can signify the concept of light, as in visible light that we see, and bear the meaning of shine, radiate or brilliant. It can be used in multiple contexts, such as '看到了光' (saw the light), or '光线' (ray of light) etc.

光滑 (guāng huá)

The word '光滑' translates to 'smooth' in English. In Chinese, it is used to describe a surface that is free from unevenness, roughness, or projections, vis-à-vis its texture. It could also describe a process or action that happens without any problems or difficulties.

克服 (kè fú)

In Chinese context, '克服' is used to express the meaning of conquering or getting through difficulties, barriers and obstacles. An example of usage would be '克服困难' that translates to 'overcome difficulties'.

Example sentences with  克服
免费 (miǎn fèi)

The Chinese word '免费' is used to express that something is free of charge. It is used in the same context as 'free' is used in English, to denote that no payment or exchange is expected for a good or service.

兔子 (tùzi)

The term '兔子' (tùzi) directly translates to 'rabbit' in English. In Chinese culture, rabbits are widely regarded as gentle, quiet, elegant creatures, often symbolizing graciousness, kindness, and loyalty. The term '兔子' can be used universally in contexts where you would use 'rabbit' in English, referring to the animal itself.

入口 (rù kǒu)

The Chinese word '入口' is used in written and oral Chinese to refer to an entrance or means of access. It is generally used in the same contexts as the English equivalent 'entry'.

全球 (quánqiú)

The Chinese word '全球' is used very similarly to the English word 'global'. It is used to refer to all parts of the world or to the entire scope of something. It can be used in contexts such as global economy ('全球经济'), global warming ('全球暖化'), or global market ('全球市场').

全面 (quánmiàn)

In Chinese, '全面' means comprehensive, referring to including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something. It is often used in academic, report, or business context to describe an in-depth and wide-ranging study, plan or analysis.


The Chinese word for 'eight' is used similarly to the English 'eight'. It can be used to quantify the number of objects, describe the numerical order, or represent a digit in a number. Interestingly, the number eight is considered very lucky in Chinese culture, as it sounds very similar to the word that means to generate wealth.

公司 (gōng sī)

The Chinese word for 'company' is '公司'. It's used in business context to denote a business entity. It can also be used in combination with other words to specify different types of companies. For example, '软件公司' means 'software company'.

公园 (gōngyuán)

The Chinese word '公园' is used to refer to a park. It can be a place for recreation, where people can go for walks, have picnics or exercise. It can also refer to natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment, and often for wildlife.

公寓 (gōng yù)

The Chinese term '公寓' is equivalent to the English term 'apartment'. It is commonly used to refer to a residential unit in a building that's owned by a single entity. The residents of the apartments typically rent or lease their units from the building owner. Notably, the term '公寓' is widely used in both formal and informal contexts across all regions in China.

公平 (gōng píng)

The Chinese word '公平' is used to describe a situation, person, or treatment perceived as just and impartial, similar to the use of word 'fair' in English. It is often used in various contexts involving justice, competition, and social scenarios. An example sentence is '这个决定是非常公平的。', which means 'This decision is very fair'.

公平地 (gōng píng de)

The Chinese word '公平地' translates to 'fairly' in English. It is an adverb used to denote something done in a fair and just manner. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, similar to the English counterpart. It is also often used to describe actions, situations, or behavior which are considered impartial or balanced.

Example sentences with  公平地
公开 (gōngkāi)

In Chinese, '公开' (gōngkāi) is widely used, also it literally meaning 'public'. It has a similar usage to the English term, used to describe things that are open to the general public or things that are not hidden or private. For example, '公开课' (gōngkāi kè) is a public/open class in China.

公车 (gōng chē)

The word '公车' is used in Chinese to refer to any type of public road transport, such as buses. It's a common term in daily life and usually pertains to local city transport, like a mass transit bus. Public transportation is widely used in China, hence, the term '公车' is widely used and recognized.

共和党人 (gòng hé dǎng rén)

The Chinese word '共和党人' is used to refer to members of the Republican Party in the United States. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from discussing politics on a broad scale to talking about an individual person's political beliefs.

共和国 (gòng hé guó)

The Chinese word for republic is '共和国', and it is used to refer to a form of government where the country is considered a 'public matter'. It represents a system where the head of state is an elected or nominated president, not a monarchy or a hereditary king

Example sentences with  共和国

The Chinese word '关' is used in the context of turning something off such as a light or a machine. It can also refer to the act of closing, as in closing a door or a window.

Example sentences with  
关于 (guānyú)

The Chinese word '关于' is used in similar ways as 'about' in English. It can be used to refer broadly to the subject or content of something. An example in a sentence might be '我想和你谈谈关于我们的未来', meaning 'I want to talk to you about our future.'

关心 (guān xīn)

The Chinese term for 'care' is '关心', which encompasses both mental and emotional concern for someone or something. It can be used in a variety of context, to express concern or to inquire about someone's well-being. One can care about a person, an event, or even an idea, just as in English.

关系 (guān xì)

In Chinese, '关系' (guānxì) is a commonly used word to express 'relationship'. It covers the meaning of connections or associations in broad senses like between people, objects, or concepts. It can be used in various contexts such as family relationship ('家庭关系') or work relationship ('工作关系').

关联 (guān lián)

In Chinese, '关联' reflects the meaning of a connection or a link between two things. It is widely used in various contexts such as in social, technical or scientific studies where explaining connections between items is necessary. For instance, if you are discussing the association between two variables in a study, you would use '关联'. Just like in English, the term can be used in broader or more specific ways depending on the context.

Example sentences with  关联
关节 (guān jié)

The Chinese word for 'joint' is '关节'. It is usually used in a medical or personal health context, describing the part of the body where two bones meet. The usage of the word is quite similar to the English equivalent. For example, '我的膝关节疼' translates to 'my knee joint hurts'.

Example sentences with  关节
关键 (guānjiàn)

In Chinese, '关键' (guānjiàn) means critical or key. It can be used in many contexts similarly to the English word, from '关键问题' (key issue), '关键时刻' (critical moment), to '关键人物' (key person); it denotes something of most importance or the pivotal factor in a situation.

Example sentences with  关键
关闭 (guānbì)

The Chinese word '关闭' is the equivalent of 'closed' in English. It is often used in the context of setting or objects that are not operating or not available. For instance, if a shop is shut, or a door is closed, we use '关闭'. This can also apply to abstract concepts like closing a deal or closing an account.

Example sentences with  关闭
兴趣 (xìng qù)

In Chinese, '兴趣' is used to describe someone's hobbies or things that someone is interested in. It can be used in phrases such as '我有很多兴趣' which translates to 'I have many interests.'

其他 (qí tā)

The Chinese word '其他' is regularly used to refer to additional or different societal elements or scenarios not previously mentioned. It facilitates the discussion of variation and multiplicity, often used in a similar context as 'other' is in English.

其他地方 (qí tā dì fāng)

The Chinese word '其他地方' is used to refer to other places or locations. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the English word 'elsewhere'. For instance, you can use it when you want to suggest someone to go somewhere else, or when you're talking about different places in the world.

Example sentences with  其他地方
具体地 (jù tǐ de)

The Chinese word '具体地' is equivalent to the English word 'specifically'. It is used when you want to highlight a particular detail or fact. It is often used to make a point more explicit or clear.

Example sentences with  具体地
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