Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

黑色 (hēi sè)

The Chinese word for black is '黑色'. It is frequently used to describe the color of objects. This word can also be used in metaphorical senses, such as '黑色幽默' for 'dark humor.'

黑莓 (hēi méi)

The Chinese word for blackberry is 黑莓, pronounced as 'hēi méi'. It is used just like how the English word 'blackberry' is used, to refer to the fruit, or to the brand of smartphone and related technology products.


The Chinese word for 'drums' is '鼓'. It is a noun that refers to a musical instrument that produces sound by the striking of a drumhead with a beater. Similar to English, '鼓' can also be used in a broader sense to represent the entire drum kit in a music context. Additionally, it can also mean 'drum up,' 'beat,' or 'rattle' in various contexts.

鼓励 (gǔ lì)

The Chinese word '鼓励' can be translated as 'encourage'. It is used to express the act of giving support, confidence, or hope to someone. Just like 'encourage' in English, it can be used in various context where one is promoting or helping another individual to accomplish a task or goal.

Example sentences with  鼓励
鼻子 (bí zi)

The Chinese word for 'nose' is 鼻子. It is a common word used in everyday conversation, similar to its use in English. For example, '我的鼻子很大' means 'My nose is very big'.

Example sentences with  鼻子
齿轮 (chǐ lún)

In Chinese, 'gear' is translated to '齿轮'. The term '齿轮' is frequently used in contexts related to machinery and mechanical operations, particularly where interlocking or rotating parts are involved. This term is essential in discussions about vehicles or any mechanical systems.

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