Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

饿 (è)

The Chinese word for 'hungry' is '饿'. It is typically used in the same context as the English word. For example, '我很饿' means 'I am very hungry'. It can be used in various sentences to express the state of hunger.

Example sentences with  饿
香槟 (xiāng bīn)

The Chinese word '香槟' is used exactly like the English word 'champagne'. It can refer to the sparkling wine itself, or situations/events where such a wine is being enjoyed.

Example sentences with  香槟
香烟 (xiāngyān)

In Chinese, '香烟' (xiāngyān) literally translates to 'fragrant smoke'. The term is used in the same context as the English word 'cigarette'. It refers to a small roll of tobacco that is smoked, and in general discussions, it could also relate to issues such as smoking and health.

香蕉 (xiāngjiāo)

The Chinese word for banana is 香蕉. It is common in both casual conversation and written language. You can use this word when talking about fruits, food ingredients, or when you refer to the color that matches the fruit's peel.


The Chinese character '马' refers to the common four-legged animal known in English as a horse. It is generally used in the same manner as it would be used in the English language: to refer to the animal itself, as well as in idioms and proverbs.

马槽 (mǎ cáo)

The Chinese word for manger, 马槽, is the translation of the English term referring to a box or trough in a stable or barn from which livestock are fed.

Example sentences with  马槽
马达 (mǎ dá)

In Chinese, '马达' is used to refer to a machine that supplies motive power for a vehicle or for some other device with moving parts. Similar to English, this word can be used in various contexts from mechanical to electrical engineering.

Example sentences with  马达
驯鹿 (xùn lù)

The Chinese word '驯鹿' is used to represent the animal 'reindeer'. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word, such as in discussing wildlife, Christmas lore, or biology.

Example sentences with  驯鹿
驾驶 (jià shǐ)

In Chinese, the word '驾驶' is used to mean 'drive'. This can be used in many similar contexts as it is in English, for examples, the physical act of controlling a vehicle. It can apply to anything from cars and buses to boats and aircraft.

骄傲 (jiāo'ào)

In Chinese, '骄傲' is used to describe a positive emotion that involves feeling happy about yourself or something related to yourself. Like in English, it can also have a negative connotation when it pertains to an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's dignity. It can be used as a noun or as an adjective.

Example sentences with  骄傲

The Chinese term '骑' refers to the act of riding, typically associated with a bicycle ('骑自行车'), a horse ('骑马') or a motorcycle ('骑摩托车'). It is a verb that describes the action of being on and controlling the movement of these vehicles or animals. It can be used in various sentences such as '我喜欢骑自行车' meaning 'I like to ride a bicycle'.

骑自行车 (qí zìxíngchē)

In Chinese, '骑自行车' is the term for 'cycling'. The word '骑' means 'to ride', and '自行车' means 'bicycle'. Together they are translated as 'to cycle' or 'cycling'. It's a recreational activity, mode of transport, and sport in the context of usage.

骨头 (gǔtou)

The word '骨头 (gǔtou)' is used in Chinese to refer to any bone in the body or the hard, rigid form of connective tissue that constitutes part of the skeleton of most vertebrates. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts and idioms.

Example sentences with  骨头

In Chinese, '高' is used to represent the concept of 'high' or 'tall'. Just like in English, it can be used to describe the physical height of objects and people. However, it can also describe a high level or standard, illustrating superiority or advancement. For instance, '高质量' means 'high quality'.

高光 (gāo guāng)

The Chinese word '高光' is equivalent to 'highlight' in English. It is often used in contexts such as emphasizing a key feature or point, or literally describing a lighting effect. The structure of the word '高光' is formed by '高' meaning 'high or noticeable' and '光' meaning 'light', which metaphorically represents the concept of 'highlight'. This term is widely used in academics, the beauty industry, film, technology, etc, identical to the use of 'highlight' in English.

高兴 (gāo xìng)

The Chinese word '高兴' is used similarly to the English word 'glad'. It expresses a state of happiness or pleasure. It is commonly used in daily conversations, and can be used in various situations to communicate positive emotional states. For example, you could say '我很高兴见到你' which translates to 'I'm glad to see you'.

Example sentences with  高兴
高尔夫 (gāo'ěrfū)

In Chinese, '高尔夫' is the term used for 'golf'. It is frequently used in context of sports and games, similar to use in English. In China, golf is considered a symbol of status and wealth.

高峰 (gāo fēng)

In Chinese, the word '高峰' (peak) is used mainly to refer to the highest point or maximum of something. It could be used to describe a mountain's highest point or the highest or max point in a statistic. Like in English, '高峰' can be used literally and figuratively, e.g., '工作的高峰' means 'peak of work', symbolizing the most intense or busiest period.

高度 (gāo dù)

The Chinese word for height is '高度'. It refers to the size or measurement from the base to the top of something. It is commonly used in contexts such as describing the height of a person, a mountain, or a building. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to describe the peak or zenith of something.

Example sentences with  高度
高效 (gāo xiào)

The Chinese word '高效' is used to describe something or someone being effective without wasting time, effort, or resources. It is often used in various contexts such as performance, work or systems that perform functionally in an efficient way.

Example sentences with  高效
高级 (gāo jí)

The Chinese word '高级' is translated to 'advanced' in English. It is often used to describe a high level in a hierarchy or to depict sophistication or advancement in certain field like 'advanced technology', which is '高级技术' in Chinese. This word can be used in various contexts, based on the level or standard that is being defined.

Example sentences with  高级
高速公路 (gāosù gōnglù)

The Chinese word for highway is '高速公路' (gāosù gōnglù). It is often used in the context of transportation and travelling, indicating a major road, especially one connecting major towns or cities.

Example sentences with  高速公路

Fish is a commonly cooked food in China, enjoyed in various forms like steamed, fried or in soup.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, '鸟' is the word equivalent to the English 'bird'. This word is used to refer to a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Aves, characterized by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. As in English, it can be used to denote a general class or specific types of birds and it is used in common phrases and expressions as well.


In Chinese, '鸡' refers to the animal chicken, just like in English. However, Chinese culture and language often use '鸡' to represent luck and prosperity. This is especially true during the Chinese New Year's period when the chicken is seen as a symbol of wealth due to its association with the Chinese Zodiac.

鸡蛋 (jīdàn)

Eggs are widely used in various Chinese dishes, from fried rice to soup and steamed dishes.

Example sentences with  鸡蛋

The Chinese word for duck is '鸭'. Just like in English, it refers to the bird that is found both in water and on land. It can be used in many contexts, mainly depending on the words it's used with. Typically, you might find it in the menu of a Chinese restaurant, as 'Peking Duck' is a famous Chinese dish.

麻烦 (máfan)

The Chinese word '麻烦'(máfan) is used in contexts similar to the English word 'trouble'. It can refer to a difficulty or problem, or be used to express inconvenience or bother. For instance, '这给我带来了很多麻烦' means 'This has caused me a lot of trouble'.

Example sentences with  麻烦
黄色 (huáng sè)

In Chinese, the word for 'yellow' is '黄色' (huáng sè). It is used similarly to how it is used in English. It can describe something that is the color yellow. For example, '黄色的花' means 'yellow flower'. However, in one unique cultural reference, the term 'Yellow Emperor' refers to a legendary Chinese emperor who is considered the ancestor of all Han Chinese.

Example sentences with  黄色
黑暗 (hēi'àn)

The Chinese word for 'dark' is '黑暗'. This word is often used to describe a lack of light or color, similar to how it is used in English. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a negative or depressing situation or mood.

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