Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.


The Chinese word for 'pot' is '锅' (guō). It is used in a similar context as in English, and often refers to a deep, typically round dish used for cooking. It forms part of many compound words in Chinese which refer to specific types of pots, such as '炒锅' (chǎo guō) meaning 'wok', or '汤锅' (tāng guō) meaning 'soup pot'.

Example sentences with  
错误 (cuò wù)

The Chinese word '错误' is used to signify something that is incorrect. Much like 'wrong' in English, it can refer to a mistake, an incorrect answer, or something that is morally or fundamentally not right. It is frequently used in both formal and informal contexts.

错过 (cuò guò)

In Chinese, '错过' is used to express the act of missing something or someone. It's often used to convey regret for opportunities that have been lost or not taken advantage of. For example, if you didn't have the chance to attend an interesting lecture, you can say '我错过了那次讲座'.

锻炼 (Duànliàn)

The Chinese word for 'exercise' is '锻炼' (Duan4lian4). It is used in China to refer to the English concept of physical or mental exercise, whether it involves sports, academic study, or health activities. This word is used in various contexts, just as 'exercise' is in English.

Example sentences with  锻炼

'镇' is a word used in Chinese to refer to a type of urban area that is smaller than a city but larger than a village. It is often used to refer to a semi-urban settlement or a large suburban neighborhood. '镇' is usually the administrative center of a district.

镜子 (jìng zi)

The Chinese word for 'mirror' is '镜子'. It is used in a similar context as it is in English, referring to an object that reflects light and images. It can be found in various phrases and idioms in Chinese, often symbolizing reflection and introspection.


In Mandarin Chinese, the word '长' is used to describe something that has great length or duration. It can be used to describe physical objects, like a long road, or nonphysical things, such as a long time. While the word '长' commonly means 'long', it can also mean 'grow' or 'increase' or can be used as a reference for someone of higher status in certain contexts.

长凳 (zhǎng dèng)

The Chinese word for bench is '长凳'. It is usually referred as a long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone. It is commonly used in public areas like parks.

Example sentences with  长凳
长度 (chángdù)

The Chinese word '长度' is used to refer to the measurement of something from end to end - the greater of two or the greatest of three dimensions of an object. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the length of an object, the length of a piece of writing, or the period that something lasts.

长笛 (zhǎng dí)

The Chinese word for flute is '长笛'. It is a high-pitched wind instrument widely used in both classical and modern music. The word can be used whenever referring to this particular instrument in a Chinese context, whether it's discussing an orchestra, a solo piece, or even just describing the instrument itself.


The Chinese character '门' is used to refer to the concept of a door in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the usage of 'door' in English. For example, it can be used alone to refer to a physical door, or coupled with other words in expressions such as '门口' (doorway), '安全门' (safety door), '电梯门' (elevator door) and so on.


The Chinese word for 'ask' is '问' (wèn). The contextual usage is similar to English. It can be used for questioning, inquiring or requesting for information. Some examples include '你可以问我问题' (You can ask me a question) or '我想问你一些事情' (I want to ask you some things).

Example sentences with  
问候 (wèn hòu)

The Chinese term '问候' directly translates to 'greetings' in English. It is a polite expression used to say hello or acknowledge someone’s presence, similarly to its English counterpart. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  问候
问题 (wèn tí)

In Chinese, '问题' (wèn tí) translates to 'problem'. It is a commonly used word in both formal and casual contexts in Chinese-speaking communities. You might use this when you are discussing a problem or issue that needs to be addressed or solved.


In Chinese, '闻' is used to denote the action of smelling something. It can be used both literally, such as smelling a flower, or figuratively, such as smelling trouble. Often, it can be combined with other characters to create more complex words or phrases related to the sense of smell.

Example sentences with  
阅读 (yuè dú)

The Chinese word for 'reading' is '阅读' which consists of two characters. The first character '阅' means to read or inspect and the second character '读' stands for read or study. It is a common word used in daily conversation and formal communication among Chinese speakers. You can use it in sentences like '我喜欢阅读书本' which means 'I like reading books'.

防御 (fángyù)

The Chinese word '防御' (fángyù) is used in the same context as the English word 'defense'. It refers to the action of defending against attack, harm, or danger. It's commonly used in sports, military and legal terms, as well as in everyday conversation.

阶段 (jiēduàn)

In Chinese, '阶段' refers to a stage or a phase, usually following a chronological order, in a process, development or a series of events. It can be used contextually in the same way we use 'phase' in English, referring to any distinct period in a sequence, development, or cycle.

Example sentences with  阶段
阻挡 (zǔ dǎng)

The Chinese word '阻挡' is used in context quite similarly to 'block' in English. It can refer to physically blocking something or someone, or abstractly blocking a process or action. For example, one might use it to describe blocking a road, a path, or an idea.


The Chinese word '附' is used to describe the action of attaching something to another thing. It is commonly used in daily life, for instance, when you attach a document to an email, or when you attach a label to a container. Its application is wide and can be used in various contexts.

Example sentences with  
附近 (fù jìn)

The Chinese word '附近' indicates something or some place that is not far away. It can be used to refer to the location that's in close proximity to a person or object, similar to how we use the word 'nearby' in English.

Example sentences with  附近
陌生人 (mò shēng rén)

陌生人 (mòshēngrén) is often used in Chinese to refer to someone you do not know. It can be used in a variety of contexts, much like stranger in English. For example, you can say 'he is a stranger to me' - “他对我是一个陌生人” (Tā duì wǒ shì yīgè mòshēngrén).

Example sentences with  陌生人
限制 (xiàn zhì)

The Chinese word '限制' corresponds to 'limit' in English. It is used similarly to the English term, often referring to restrictions, boundaries, or confines in some scope or context. It can be used in a variety of settings, such as in legal, physical, or theoretical discussions.

Example sentences with  限制
院子 (yuàn zi)

The Chinese word '院子' is translated as 'yard' in English. It is commonly used to refer to an open area that’s next to a building or a house usually filled with grass or plants. It is often used in the context of people having conversations in their yard, doing yard work or children playing in the yard.

Example sentences with  院子
除了 (chú le)

In Chinese, '除了' is equivalent to the English word 'except'. It is used when you want to exclude something specific from a general statement. This word is often used in sentences to highlight an exception or something that doesn’t follow the same pattern.

Example sentences with  除了
陪审团 (Péishěntuán)

The Chinese word '陪审团' (Péishěntuán) is used to refer to a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.

隐藏 (yǐn cáng)

In Chinese, '隐藏' is used to denote 'hide'. This word can be used in various contexts such as hiding oneself or an object. It is an action word for ceasing to keep or continue to keep oneself or a certain thing in a state or position that is not easily perceived or not noticed.

Example sentences with  隐藏
隔离 (gé lí)
to isolate

In Chinese, '隔离' often used in the context of separating or isolating something from others. It can be used in contexts concerning physical isolation, such as of people or objects, or in more figurative scenarios, such as isolating a variable in mathematics.

Example sentences with  隔离

The Chinese word '难' often refers to the state of being difficult or challenging. It is used in various contexts such as describing tasks, situations or studies. This word can also form part of compound words to indicate 'difficulty' or 'hardship'.

集中 (jí zhōng)

The term '集中' means to concentrate in Chinese. It is used to describe the action of focusing one's mental efforts towards a particular object or task. It is often used in various contexts similar to its English counterpart, such as concentrating on studies or concentrating on a work task.

Example sentences with  集中
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