Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

适当地 (shì dàng de)

The Chinese word '适当地' is an adverb often used to describe something that is done correctly or in a satisfactory manner. It can be used in various contexts like '做事要适当地' meaning 'things should be done properly'.

Example sentences with  适当地
适当的 (shìdàng de)

The Chinese word '适当的' (shìdàng de) is used similarly to the English word 'proper'. It's an adjective that can describe something as suitable, appropriate, or correct. Just as in English, it can be used in a wide variety of contexts.

逃跑 (táo pǎo)

The Chinese word '逃跑' is used in situations similar to English - such as escaping from a dangerous situation or escaping from school. It is a commonly used term and has the same connotative usage in both languages.

Example sentences with  逃跑
选举 (xuǎn jǔ)

The Chinese word for 'election' is '选举' (xuǎnjǔ). It is used in a similar context as in English, to describe the process of voting to select a person or group of people for a position of power. It can be used in various situations like political elections, school board elections, club elections, etc.

选择 (xuǎn zé)

In Chinese, the word '选择' is used to denote the action of choosing or picking something from a set of options. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as picking a color, picking a time for a meeting, picking a route for travel, etc.

选项 (xuǎnxiàng)

In Chinese, '选项' stands for 'option'. It is a commonly used word, especially in menus, questionnaires, or multiple-choice questions (MCQ). It symbolizes a range of choices or alternatives provided to the user.

通常 (tōngcháng)

The Chinese word for 'usually' is '通常'. It is used in the same context as in English. You would use the word '通常' when describing something that generally or mostly occurs.

通知 (tōngzhī)

The word '通知' in Chinese is used in the same context as 'inform' in English. It's commonly used when someone is giving information about a certain topic, usually of official or important news or events. It is often used in both formal and casual context.

Example sentences with  通知
通货膨胀 (tōng huò péng zhàng)

In Chinese, '通货膨胀' is the term used to represent the economic phenomenon named 'inflation' in English. This term is commonly used in the media, finance and economics, it is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling.

通过 (tōng guò)

The Chinese word '通过' is usually used to describe the particular action of passing or moving through something. It could also mean to be approved or accepted, similar to the English word 'through' when it's used to signify completion of a process or procedure.

通道 (tōngdào)

In Chinese, '通道' is used to refer to a navigable route or a passage. This can mean a corridor in a building, a hallway, or any route that allows transport. The character '通' translates as 'pass' or 'through', and '道' translates as 'way' or 'path'. Together, they form '通道', the term for 'passage'.

Example sentences with  通道
速度 (sù dù)

In Chinese, the word '速度' is used similarly to the English word 'speed'. It refers to the rate at which someone or something moves or operates. It can also refer to the rate at which events occur or developments proceed.

Example sentences with  速度
逻辑 (lǒjí)

In Chinese, '逻辑' (lǒjí) is used to refer to the system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device, as understood by the user. It can also be used in the sense of reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Example sentences with  逻辑
遇见 (yù jiàn)

The Chinese word '遇见' is used similarly to 'meet' in English. It can refer to encountering or coming across someone or something, particularly for the first time or by chance. It may also represent a scheduled arrangement where two or more people come together for a purpose.

道歉 (dào qiàn)

The Chinese word '道歉' is used when someone wants to express regret or remorse for something that they've done wrong. Much like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from informal, everyday instances to more serious or formal occasions.

遥控 (yáo kòng)

In Chinese, 'remote' is translated into '遥控'. It is usually used to describe a device that allows one to control another device from a distance. This could be anything from a television to an air conditioner. However, in certain contexts, it could also mean remote as in a far away place.

Example sentences with  遥控
遭受 (zāo shòu)

The Chinese word '遭受' is used to express the English term 'suffer'. This verb can be used in various contexts, referring to going through a hard or painful experience. For example, it can be used to describe suffering a loss, a defeat, an illness, or physical or psychological pain. It can also be used in more abstract senses.

Example sentences with  遭受
避免 (bìmiǎn)

In Chinese, '避免' means to prevent something from happening or to keep oneself from doing something. It's often used in situations where a potentially negative outcome can be prevented by taking certain actions.

邀请 (yāoqǐng)

邀请, pronounced as 'yāoqǐng', is often used in contexts dealing with inviting someone to an event, meeting, or party. It is often used in both formal and informal speech. Its usage is similar to the usage of 'invite' in English. However, 'yāoqǐng' is not typically used as a colloquial slang like how 'invite' is sometimes used in English to imply other meanings.

Example sentences with  邀请

The Chinese word for 'that', '那', is used similar to the English word. It is used to point forward to something coming later in conversation or to indicate an object at a bit of distance. Unlike English, Chinese doesn't have a specific singular or plural form so '那' can refer to either 'that' or 'those' based on context.

那些 (nàxiē)

The Chinese word '那些' which means 'those' is used in sentences to refer to specific items or people in a group that the speaker does not have presently but is familiar with or knows about. It can be used in both formal and informal settings

那里 (nàlǐ)

The Chinese word '那里' translates to 'there' in English. It is used to point towards a place or item that is located at a distance from the speaker. It can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from directing someone to a far-off location, to indicate where an object is located, to formulating rhetorical or existential questions.

邮件 (yóu jiàn)

The Chinese word '邮件' translates to 'poste' in English, however, it's more commonly used to refer to 'mail' or 'post'. It is used in the context of sending or receiving letters, parcels or packages through the postal system.

邮差 (yóu chāi)

The Chinese word '邮差' is the commonly used term for postman in Mandarin. This term is used widely throughout China to refer to the person who delivers mail to homes and businesses. It can be used in any context where you would use the term 'postman' in English.

邮票 (yóupiào)

In Chinese, 'post' is translated as '邮票'. It can refer to the system used for sending and receiving letters and parcels. It's used in various contexts, such as mailing letters, parcels, etc.

部分 (bù fèn)

The Chinese word '部分' gets used in similar contexts as 'part' in English. It can be used to denote a fraction or a segment of something. For instance, in a sentence '这只是故事的一部分' - 'This is only a part of the story'.

部门 (bù mén)

The Chinese word '部门' is equivalent to 'department' in English. It is typically used to refer to a division of a large organization or institution, such as a government, university, or business entity. It indicates a specific area of responsibility, expertise, or operation within the larger body.

酒吧 (jiǔbā)

The Chinese word for bar is '酒吧' (jiǔbā). This word is often used in the same context as it is in English – a place where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages. However, it can also refer to a coffee bar or other similar establishments.

Example sentences with  酒吧
酒店 (Jiǔdiàn)

The Chinese word '酒店' is used similarly to the word 'hotel' in English. It is commonly used in conversation and written text when referring to a place one can rent for the purpose of lodging. It can also be applied to slightly more upscale accommodations that offer additional amenities, such as a restaurant or bar within the building.

酒精 (jiǔ jīng)

The Chinese word for alcohol is '酒精'. It can be used similar to the English context. For example, in sentences expressing consumption of alcohol or indicating the alcohol content in certain drinks, and so on.

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